厄瓜多尔(基多) Ecuador(Quito)
湿疹 eczema
香港总商会总裁翁以登 Eden Woon, head of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
(股价)微升 edge ahead/edge higher/edge up/firm (v)
剪掉黄贯中在音乐颁奖典礼里的反二十三条言论 edit out rock icon Paul Wong Koon-chung‘s remarks opposing Article 23 legislation at a music awards ceremony
编辑自主 editorial independence
教育大众 educating the masses
教育界 Education
教育统筹局 Education and Manpower Bureau
教育蓝图 education blueprint
教育统筹委员会 Education Commission
教育评议会 Education Convergence
湿疹 eczema
香港总商会总裁翁以登 Eden Woon, head of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
(股价)微升 edge ahead/edge higher/edge up/firm (v)
剪掉黄贯中在音乐颁奖典礼里的反二十三条言论 edit out rock icon Paul Wong Koon-chung‘s remarks opposing Article 23 legislation at a music awards ceremony
编辑自主 editorial independence
教育大众 educating the masses
教育界 Education
教育统筹局 Education and Manpower Bureau
教育蓝图 education blueprint
教育统筹委员会 Education Commission
教育评议会 Education Convergence
教育署 Education Department
教育官员 education officials
教育改革 education reform
教育制度/教育体制 education system
教育光盘 educational CD-ROM
教育改革是长远政策,需循序渐进实施。 Educational reforms was a long-term undertaking and must be implemented step by step.
教育电视节目 educational television programmes
教育工作者 educators
白鳝 Eel
铁票(效应) effect of guaranteed votes
输出小动脉 efferent arteriole
董建华的肖像 effigies of Mr Tung
卵子银行 egg bank
烟肉蛋汉堡 Egg McMuffin
蛋黄 egg yolk
卵子 egg/ovum/ova(pl)
茄子 Eggplant
埃及(开罗) Egypt(Cairo)
八名保镳手牵手组成人墙,隔开龚如心和摄影师,让她可以走进法庭。 Eight bodyguards linked hands to form a human wall between Wang and photographers and reporters so she could enter the building.
八度空间 Eight Dimensions
八名局长级官员 eight director-level officials
百分之八十四的受访者支持于二零零八年普选立法会。 Eighty-four per cent want the whole legislature to be directly elected by 2008.
在她体内射精 ejaculate inside her
射精 ejaculation
以色列航空 El Al Israel Airline Ltd.
) El Salvador(San Salvador
弹性绷带 elastic support bandage/crepe
手肘 elbow
老人中心 elderly centre
安老事务委员会 Elderly Commission