九广东铁各车站实行配额制,维持离境人次在每小时一万二千人。? East Rail operated a ticket quota system at every station to keep travellers at 12,000 per hour.
东帝汶 East Timor
尖东 East Tsim Sha Tsui
东区 Eastern
东区法院 Eastern Court
东欧国家 eastern European states
东区海底隧道 Eastern Harbour Crossing
东周刊封面刊登的受虐裸照 Eastweek magazine‘s front-page picture of a naked and distressed actress
「储蓄易」服务‘ Easy Savings‘ service
壹本便利 Easyfinder
均衡饮食 eat a balanced diet
吃了足够的蔬果 eat enough fruit and
东帝汶 East Timor
尖东 East Tsim Sha Tsui
东区 Eastern
东区法院 Eastern Court
东欧国家 eastern European states
东区海底隧道 Eastern Harbour Crossing
东周刊封面刊登的受虐裸照 Eastweek magazine‘s front-page picture of a naked and distressed actress
「储蓄易」服务‘ Easy Savings‘ service
壹本便利 Easyfinder
均衡饮食 eat a balanced diet
吃了足够的蔬果 eat enough fruit and
吃街头小吃 eat street food
吃得太少,身体就会减慢新陈代谢。 Eat too little,
食肆 eating establishment
饮食习惯 eating habits
吃垃圾箱里的剩饭菜 eating leftovers from bins
偷听别人谈话 eavesdropping on private conversations
伊波拉病毒 Ebola
松果菊(防感冒、提高免疫力) echinacea
重复某人的请求 echo pleas made by somebody
呼应内地一连串的反日示威 echoing the spate of anti-Japan protests on the mainland
黄道 ecliptic
生态旅游景点 eco-attraction
经济顾问 economic adviser
经济环境 economic conditions
经济数据 economic data
经济发展及劳工局 Economic Development and Labour Bureau
经济火车头 economic engine
经济指针 economic indicators
近月的经济指针已响起警号。 Economic indicators in recent months have set alarm bells ringing.
经济奇迹/经济奇迹 economic miracle
经济问题 economic problems
经济重建 economic reconstruction
经济复苏 economic recovery/upturn/pick-up/turn-up/upswing (n)
经济改革 economic reform
经济制裁 economic sanctions
经济放缓/经济低迷 economic setback/slowdown/downturn/turndown/downswing (n)
经济灾难 economic woes
生态环境/生态圈 ecosphere
生态旅游 ecotourism
摇头丸 Ecstacy