汇率 exchange rates
交换意见和信息 exchange views and information
王菲怀孕独家照片 exclusive picture of pregnant pop star Faye Wong
行政会议召集人梁振英 Exco convenor Leung Chun-ying
行政会议成员田北俊昨晚宣布,由于政府拒绝听取他的意见,没有押后为国安条例草案立法,故此决定退出董建华政府的执政联盟。 Executive Councillor James Tien Pei-chun last night announced that he had resigned from Tung Chee-hwa‘s cabinet after his calls to delay the national security bill were rejected.
行政会议成员梁振英 Executive Councillor Leung Chun-ying
汇丰银行执行董事王冬胜 executive director of Hongkong Bank Peter Wong Tung-shun
海协会常务副会长唐树备 executive vice-chairman of the mainland‘s Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait Tang Shubei
自我审查 exercise self-censorship
行使公民权利 exercise their civic rights
行使可换股债券 exercising the convertibles
行使他们的公民权利 exercising their civil rights
交换意见和信息 exchange views and information
王菲怀孕独家照片 exclusive picture of pregnant pop star Faye Wong
行政会议召集人梁振英 Exco convenor Leung Chun-ying
行政会议成员田北俊昨晚宣布,由于政府拒绝听取他的意见,没有押后为国安条例草案立法,故此决定退出董建华政府的执政联盟。 Executive Councillor James Tien Pei-chun last night announced that he had resigned from Tung Chee-hwa‘s cabinet after his calls to delay the national security bill were rejected.
行政会议成员梁振英 Executive Councillor Leung Chun-ying
汇丰银行执行董事王冬胜 executive director of Hongkong Bank Peter Wong Tung-shun
海协会常务副会长唐树备 executive vice-chairman of the mainland‘s Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait Tang Shubei
自我审查 exercise self-censorship
行使公民权利 exercise their civic rights
行使可换股债券 exercising the convertibles
行使他们的公民权利 exercising their civil rights
废气 exhaust gas/exhaust fumes
物证/证物 exhibit
在地球洪荒时期存在 existed on the primordial Earth
现有存户 existing customers
票站调查 exit polls
当然委员 ex-officio members
能为某人开脱罪名/免除责任 exonerate somebody
向海外发展 expand overseas
扩大合作范围 expand the scope of co-operation
在香港扩充业务 expand their businesses in Hong Kong
在亚太区拓展业务 expand their businesses in the Asia-Pacific region
开拓大陆市场 expand their services into the mainland
扩阔你的社交圈子 expand your social circle
扩建工厂 expanded its plant
扩充军备 expanding military build-up
透过收购行动扩展业务 expansion through acquisition
移居国外的(人) expatriate (n)/(a); American expatriates in Paris/expatriate Britons in Spain
预期在第四季生意转差 expect business conditions to deteriorate in the last quarter of the year
孕妇 expectant mothers
期望民阵每年举办七一游行 expected the Front to organise July 1 demonstrations every year
期望新政策能带来更多生意 expected the new policy would bring more business
预期美息会继续上升 expects rises in US interest rates to continue
预期失业率会在年底前降至百分之六至六点五 expects the unemployment rate to fall to [between] 6 per cent and 6.5 per cent by the year-end
加速小学全日制的步伐 expedite the implementation of whole-day primary schooling
来年再度被冻薪 experience another year of pay freezes
耳鸣 experienced ringing in her ear
驾驶时昏昏欲睡 experiencing drowsiness while driving
呼气 expiration
爆炸 exploded/went off
(自私地)利用法律 exploit laws