幼法拉底河 Euphrates
欧元 euro
欧盟执委会主席巴罗佐 European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso
欧洲股市平均下挫百分之三。 European markets were down an average of three per cent.
欧洲太空总署 European Space Agency (ESA)
欧元区 eurozone
耳咽管 Eustachian tube
长荣航空 Eva Airways
被疏散的人 evacuee
避开 evade
逃避利得税二十一万元 evade $210,000 in profits tax
播道医院 Evangel Hospital
欧元 euro
欧盟执委会主席巴罗佐 European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso
欧洲股市平均下挫百分之三。 European markets were down an average of three per cent.
欧洲太空总署 European Space Agency (ESA)
欧元区 eurozone
耳咽管 Eustachian tube
长荣航空 Eva Airways
被疏散的人 evacuee
避开 evade
逃避利得税二十一万元 evade $210,000 in profits tax
播道医院 Evangel Hospital
传教组织 evangelical group
连驻香港的美国领事馆也关注这事。 Even the US consulate in Hong Kong was concerned about the issue.
虽然科技股经已大幅调整,但仍有很大的下跌空间。 Even with the sharp correction, there is plenty of downside for Internet stocks.
最终他被警卫制服,扣上手铐,带离(法庭)。 Eventually, security guards subdued him and led him away in handcuffs.
长青航空公司 Evergreen International Airlines
要尽一切力量防止意外重演。 Every effort must now be
型传染病疫潮。 Every hundred years there have been
人人都有各自的处事方式。 Everybody has their own style of doing things.
人人都心情沉重 everyone had a heavy heart
灭赤人人有责。 Everyone should be responsible to shoulder the budget deficit.
被赶走的住客 evicted tenant
证据、证词 evidence (u); give evidence at the trial(出庭作证)
恶化 exacerbate
加剧贫富悬殊 exacerbate the uneven distribution of wealth
夸张失实 exaggerated and deceitful
考试局秘书蔡炽昌 Examinations Authority secretary Choi Chee-cheong
检查部分旧楼的铝窗 examine aluminium windows in some old buildings
视察当地小班教学的运作 examine the operation of small-class teaching there
在现场检查路轨 examining the rail tracks at the
超出世界卫生组织所定的每日安全摄取量 exceed WHO‘s
盈利胜预期 exceeded the profit forcast
超速一至十公里 exceeds the limit by 1 to 10 km/h
杰出人才 excellence
非常性手段 exceptional methods
特殊收益 exceptional profit
选录 excerpt
外汇基金 Exchange Fund
外汇基金投资公司 Exchange Fund Investment
外汇基金投资公司行政总裁李陈倩文 Exchange Fund Investment‘s chief executive Marian Li Chan Sien-mun
交换情报 exchange intelligence/the sharing of