剥削工人 exploiting workers
寻求商机 explore investment opportunities
开发可再生能源 explore sources of renewable energy
探索太空的奥秘 exploring the mysteries of the universe
爆炸品处理课 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bureau
出口导向的经济体系 export-led economies
揭示香港食物监管制度的一大漏洞 exposed a major flaw in food surveillance programme of Hong Kong
揭发政府隐瞒沙士疫情 exposed the government‘s cover-up of the SARS epidemic
公开违规幼儿园的名单 exposing non-compliant kindergartens
踢爆 exposing wrongdoings
表达他的政治观点 express his political views
表示遗憾 express regret
寻求商机 explore investment opportunities
开发可再生能源 explore sources of renewable energy
探索太空的奥秘 exploring the mysteries of the universe
爆炸品处理课 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bureau
出口导向的经济体系 export-led economies
揭示香港食物监管制度的一大漏洞 exposed a major flaw in food surveillance programme of Hong Kong
揭发政府隐瞒沙士疫情 exposed the government‘s cover-up of the SARS epidemic
公开违规幼儿园的名单 exposing non-compliant kindergartens
踢爆 exposing wrongdoings
表达他的政治观点 express his political views
表示遗憾 express regret
速递公司 express-delivery company
表示有意在今年稍后时间到访中国 expressed a desire to visit the mainland later in the year
对某人深表关心和同情 expressed a high degree of concern and sympathy for somebody
对政府错失大表震怒 expressed anger at the blunder
对高官离职表示关注 expressed concerns over the departure of senior officials from the civil service
对判决表示失望/对裁决表示失望 expressed disappointment with the verdict/expressed regret at the judgment
表示后悔尝试自杀 expressed regret over her suicide
表示支持…… expressed support for something
对他们(的行径)表示震怒 expressed their indignation at the group
表示担心自己的安全 expresses fears for his safety
表示悔意 expressing contrition
要求政府听取民意/听取市民心声 expressing the need for officials to listen to the people
保存完好的武士宅院 exquisitely preserved samurai estates
继续提供一万一千个临时职位 extend more than 11,000 temporary jobs
延长罗湖口岸通关时间 extend opening hours at Lowu/the opening hours of the Lowu border crossing will be extended
把公众咨询期由三个月延长至六个月 extend public consultation on the project from three months to six months
伸出和解之手 extended a conciliatory hand
长戴型隐形眼镜 extended wear lens
延长一般学位课程至四年 extending the usual length of degree programmes to four years
灭蚊、灭绝蚊患 exterminating mosquitoes
外耳 external ear/outer ear
外围经济 external economy
外围因素 external factors
香港的外围因素 external factors in Hong Kong
外置光盘/外置光驱 external optical drives
外向型经济 externally-oriented economy
绝种 extinct (a)/extinction (u); Dinosaurs is extinct./in danger of extinction
将火救熄 extinguish the blaze
扑熄山火 extinguished a hill fire
敲诈 extortion (n)/extort (vt)/racketeering (n); To extort is to illegally force someone to give you money by threatening them./extort money from/out of sb/Racketeering is obtaining money dishonestly by means of a carefully planned system.