不拥载三权分立的概念 does not believe in the separation of powers into three branches
预期香港来年仍不能走出通缩 does not expect Hong Kong to escape deflation in the next year
狗噬人事件 dog attack
捉狗队 dog catchers
(渔农处的)捉狗队 Dog Control unit officers
自制的手镯和脚镯 do-it-yourself bracelets and anklets
失业救济金 dole payment
澳洲元 dollar (Australia), $
加拿大元 dollar (Canada), $
港元 dollar (Hong Kong), $
新西兰元 dollar (New Zealand), $
新加坡元 dollar (Singapore), $
预期香港来年仍不能走出通缩 does not expect Hong Kong to escape deflation in the next year
狗噬人事件 dog attack
捉狗队 dog catchers
(渔农处的)捉狗队 Dog Control unit officers
自制的手镯和脚镯 do-it-yourself bracelets and anklets
失业救济金 dole payment
澳洲元 dollar (Australia), $
加拿大元 dollar (Canada), $
港元 dollar (Hong Kong), $
新西兰元 dollar (New Zealand), $
新加坡元 dollar (Singapore), $
新台币 dollar (Taiwan), $
美元 dollar (US), $
范围 domain
域名 domain name
住宅污水 domestic effluents
国内市场/本地市场/本土市场 domestic market
本地旅客 domestic tourists
自行研制的「经国」号战机 domestically developed IDF fighters
最大电讯公司 dominant telecoms operator
控制立会大部分议席 dominates the legislature
多米尼加共和国(圣多明各) Dominican Republic(Santo Domingo)
大学教师 don
??? Don‘t drag Hong Kong into water.
得不到家人和社会尊重 don‘t get respect from their family and society
不想释法 don‘t want a legal interpretation
不想他们的另一半知道他们身在何方 don‘t want to let their other half know where they are
捐五百万元给慈善机构 donate $5 million to charity
捐赠给慈善机构 donating them to a charity
捐助本地大学,回馈社会 donating to local universities as a means of repaying the community
筹款箱 donation boxes
政府昨日宣布,护盾行动的捐款可作扣税用。 Donations to Project Shield were declared tax-deductible yesterday.
当归(防经前不适) dong quai
东沙群岛 Dongsha Quandao/Pratas Island
器官捐赠卡 donor cards
尸位素餐的政客 do-nothing politicians
末日教派 doomsday cults/apocalyptic religions
宿舍 dormitory
背根 dorsal root
脊根节 dorsal root ganglion
鼻梁 dorsum of nose