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区议会 District Council
区议员办事处 district council office
区议员 district councillors
长者地区中心 District Elderly Community Centre
地区工作 district work
推翻不加税承诺 ditching his no-new-taxes pledge
放弃备受争议的单一招标做法 dith the controversial single developer plan
利尿 diuretic
女歌手 diva
(股价)大跌(名词) dive/nosedive/plunge/plummet/take a dive/tumble (v)
(股价)大跌(动词) dive/nosedive/plunge/plummet/tumble (n)
区议会 District Council
区议员办事处 district council office
区议员 district councillors
长者地区中心 District Elderly Community Centre
地区工作 district work
推翻不加税承诺 ditching his no-new-taxes pledge
放弃备受争议的单一招标做法 dith the controversial single developer plan
利尿 diuretic
女歌手 diva
(股价)大跌(名词) dive/nosedive/plunge/plummet/take a dive/tumble (v)
(股价)大跌(动词) dive/nosedive/plunge/plummet/tumble (n)
严重背离社会的实际需要 diverge drastically from the real needs of society
转移公众视线 divert public attention
挪动兴建堤坝资金一千四百万元人民币去兴建办公大楼 diverted 14 million yuan earmarked for building dykes to build offices
有股息的股票 dividend-paying stocks/dividend stocks
股息 dividends
跳水皇后伏明霞 diving queen Fu Mingxia
引起分化的 divisive
离婚 divorce somebody/divorce/get a
透露 divulge
仍然为残肢进行 DNA化验were still conducting DNA tests on the body parts
收集布莱恩的 DNA样本took samples of Bryant‘s DNA
做家务 do domestic chores
作更多秘密调查 do more covert
不会就个别的签证申请个案作出评论 do not comment on individual visa cases
因考试压力和功课过多而睡眠不足 do not get enough sleep because of examination pressures and too much homework
没有做定期检查 do not have regular
没有要求她们的固定性伴侣使用安全套 do not insist
没有报警 do not lodge reports with the police/did
不介意有婚前性行为 do not mind having
无需工作经验 do not require work experience
母语不是英语 do not speak English as their first tongue
更有技巧地做配票工作 do the allocation of votes in a more skillful manner
? Do they have worries because they have things to fear?/Do they have worries because they have devils in their hearts
任劳任怨 do with no complaints
(刑事法庭的)被告席 dock
扩充基座 docking station
经营了全球最早的3G网络,一年来,其4320万的用户当中,仅有0.3%用户转用3G. A year after launching the world‘s first 3G network, only 0.3% of DoCoMo‘s 42.3 million subscribers have migrated to 3G services. DoCoMo
医生投诉工作越来越繁重。 Doctors have
(宗教)支派 doctrinal offshoots
中庸之道 Doctrine of the Mean