推翻共产,推动民主 dismantling a communist system and putting a democratic structure in place
残肢/碎尸/人体残骸 dismembered body parts/the dismembered remains/the discarded limbs/the severed torsos and thighs
支解某人 dismembering somebody
开除宋楚瑜党藉 dismiss Mr Soong
裁员(动词) dismiss somebody/make somebody redundant/lay somebody off
否认中联办在背后干预 dismissed claims that the liaison office had been working behind the scenes
漠视国际间的压力 dismissed foreign pressure on the Government
不满修订,认为只是象征式 dismissed the amendments as superficial
指该公司只是在放烟幕 dismissed the company‘s move as a smokescreen
迪士尼卡通人物 Disney characters
迪士尼代言人张学友 Disney pitchman Jacky Cheung
派兵镇压喀什噶尔的动乱 dispatched the army to quell unrest in Kashgar
残肢/碎尸/人体残骸 dismembered body parts/the dismembered remains/the discarded limbs/the severed torsos and thighs
支解某人 dismembering somebody
开除宋楚瑜党藉 dismiss Mr Soong
裁员(动词) dismiss somebody/make somebody redundant/lay somebody off
否认中联办在背后干预 dismissed claims that the liaison office had been working behind the scenes
漠视国际间的压力 dismissed foreign pressure on the Government
不满修订,认为只是象征式 dismissed the amendments as superficial
指该公司只是在放烟幕 dismissed the company‘s move as a smokescreen
迪士尼卡通人物 Disney characters
迪士尼代言人张学友 Disney pitchman Jacky Cheung
派兵镇压喀什噶尔的动乱 dispatched the army to quell unrest in Kashgar
除去政敌 dispatching a political opponent
消除各方揣测 dispel various speculation
药房 dispensary/pharmacy/drugstore
配药 dispense
完全不用石油 dispenses with oil altogether
驱散(示威者) disperse (vi)(vt); Police dispersed the protesters with tear gas.
驱散示威群众 disperse demonstrators
毫无悔意 display no remorse/with no trace of remorse
于网页发放妓女相片 displayed
有精神病患特征 displayed psychopathic traits
展示她的外交手腕 displaying her diplomatic might
用完即弃物品 disposable products
拋弃式隐形眼镜 disposables/disposable
倒污水 disposing of dirty water
罔顾法庭命令 disregarded the judge‘s order
没有理会受害者感受 disregarded the victims‘ feelings
在弥撒中捣乱 disrupting a Mass
对政府不满意的人仍然相当多,占受访人数的百分之五十三,只有三成九受访者表示满意。 Dissatisfaction towards the Government remained high at 53 per cent, compared to the 39 per cent for those satisfied.
不满意自己的外表 dissatisfied with their appearance
部分平息了市民对政府的愤怒 dissipating some of the public anger levelled at the administration
不参与袭击 dissociated itself from the raids
解散立法会 dissolve the Legislative Council
遥距教育 distance education
遥距教学 distance learning/on-line classes
疏远草根阶层 distancing itself from grassroots issues
特殊的自主权 distinctive autonomous powers
杰出学者 distinguished academics
歪曲/扭曲历史 distort history
指鹿为马 distort the truth
歪曲事实 distorted the facts