沙坑 bunkers
国务院机关事务管理局 Bureau of Government Offices Administration
国务院宗教事务局 Bureau of Religious Affairs of the State Council
盗窃保险 burglary insurance/theft insurance
布基纳法索(瓦加杜古) Burkina Faso(Ouagadougou)
烧伤 burn (n)/(vi)(vt)
用打火机烧饮管,把滴出的熔液滴在樊敏仪的脚上 burn a
焚烧日本国旗 burned Japanese flags
烧光银纸/用尽了创业资本 burning through their venture-capital cash
焚烧陈水扁纸制人像 burns effigies of Chen Shui-bian
烧至难以辨认 burnt beyond recognition
烧死 burnt to death
国务院机关事务管理局 Bureau of Government Offices Administration
国务院宗教事务局 Bureau of Religious Affairs of the State Council
盗窃保险 burglary insurance/theft insurance
布基纳法索(瓦加杜古) Burkina Faso(Ouagadougou)
烧伤 burn (n)/(vi)(vt)
用打火机烧饮管,把滴出的熔液滴在樊敏仪的脚上 burn a
焚烧日本国旗 burned Japanese flags
烧光银纸/用尽了创业资本 burning through their venture-capital cash
焚烧陈水扁纸制人像 burns effigies of Chen Shui-bian
烧至难以辨认 burnt beyond recognition
烧死 burnt to death
(飞机等)爆炸 burst into flames
爆车胎 burst tyres
布隆迪(布琼布拉) Burundi(Bujumbura)
息争言和 bury the hatchet
观塘道一带巴士站可能要重组,以防意外再度发生。 Bus
巴士公司如九巴并无加价迹象。 Bus companies such as Kowloon Motor Bus show no signs of preparing to lift fares.
巴士公司 bus firms/bus companies
巴士转乘优惠 bus interchange discounts
巴士乘客 bus passengers
—— has been in a coma business
政商界人士、政治及商界人士、商界及政治人士 business and political figures
内地营商环境 business environment of the Mainland
营运设备及器材信贷保证基金额 Business Installations and Equipment Loan Guarantee Scheme
商业电话费 business lines charges/ business phone fee
商机 business opportunities
商业策略 business strategy
商务旅客 business travellers
既然其它国家都能成功限制每日工作小时和实施最低工资,我相信在香港也一定可以。 Businesses in other countries can survive with controls on working hours and a minimum wage. I‘m sure it will work in Hong Kong, too.
公司可少付利息。 Businesses will enjoy lower debt burdens.
商人 businessman
侧重商界的自由党 business-oriented Liberal Party
巴士专用线 bus-only lanes
但一般相信武装分子仍在伊拉克挟持着数十名外国人质,作为谈判筹码。 But armed groups are still believed to be holding dozens of foreigners captive in Iraq as bargaining chips.
随着中国农地越来越少,未来将越来越倚赖入口食物。 But as the amount of farmland in the mainland continues to shrink, we can export greater reliance on imported food.
但非常时期必须采取非常措施。 But desperate times call for desperate measures.
但他拒绝透露自己会否角逐连任。 But he remained tight-lipped on whether he would run for a second term.
若然不释法,我实在不明白为何下任特首只有两年任期。 But I cannot see how the new chief executive could serve a two-year term without a fresh interpretation of the Basic Law.
如果保安局封杀教会,我会行使公民抗命,他们可以拘捕我。 But if the Security Bureau shuts down the church, then I would opt for civil disobedience and they can arrest me.
是次行动带出强而有力的讯息。 But its action conveys a powerful message.
失业率去年创百分之四点四的新高,而且预期还会上升。 But joblessness hit a record 4.4% last year and is expected to rise further.