经一次,每次为时两星期。 But Karenin,
她同时呼吁成绩欠佳的考生不要绝望。 But she advises those who fared poorly not to lose hope.
但部分民主派人士,包括梁耀忠在内,担心郑经翰参选会抢走民主派候选人的选票。 But some pro-democracy politicians, including Leung Yiu-chung, believe Mr Cheng‘s participation could take votes away from pro-democracy candidates.
但英国政府坚决不肯向恐怖分子屈服。 But the British government stood firm in its determination not to give in to terrorists.
若自由党不肯抽身,仍和政府联成一线,背离民意,则来年立法会选举肯定会一败涂地,自由党的前途尽毁(「玩完」)。 But the future of the Liberal Party would have been doomed had it got behind the government, as its defiance of public opinion would almost certainly have meant electoral defeat in next year‘s Legco election.
但政府没有向地产商屈服,没有恢复定期卖地。 But the government has not bowed to strong calls from some developers for the resumption of regular land auctions or the publication of reserve prices for sites on the list.
在昨日立法会辩论中,民建联议员(黄容根)在关键时刻失踪,以致杀局条例草案获通过。 But the legislation was saved from a narrow defeat early in yesterday‘s debate only by the disappearance of a DAB legislator at a crucial moment.
最有可能是五供二,每股作价六月七角。 But the most likely option will be a two-for-five rights issue and the shares are likely to be priced at $6.70 each.
911遇袭后美国加强保安措施及善用情报,至今保障了美国本土安全。 But the tough security measures introduced in the aftermath of the attacks - and better use of intelligence - have, so far, kept America safe.
不过暂时未有计划在罗湖关口实施廿四小时通关。 But there are no immediate plans to open Lowu around the clock.
没有证据显示它们会在未来数月拖慢整体经济步伐。 But there‘s no indication that any of this will crimp overall economic development over the next few months.
但这不是天作之合。 But this is not a marriage made in heaven.
她同时呼吁成绩欠佳的考生不要绝望。 But she advises those who fared poorly not to lose hope.
但部分民主派人士,包括梁耀忠在内,担心郑经翰参选会抢走民主派候选人的选票。 But some pro-democracy politicians, including Leung Yiu-chung, believe Mr Cheng‘s participation could take votes away from pro-democracy candidates.
但英国政府坚决不肯向恐怖分子屈服。 But the British government stood firm in its determination not to give in to terrorists.
若自由党不肯抽身,仍和政府联成一线,背离民意,则来年立法会选举肯定会一败涂地,自由党的前途尽毁(「玩完」)。 But the future of the Liberal Party would have been doomed had it got behind the government, as its defiance of public opinion would almost certainly have meant electoral defeat in next year‘s Legco election.
但政府没有向地产商屈服,没有恢复定期卖地。 But the government has not bowed to strong calls from some developers for the resumption of regular land auctions or the publication of reserve prices for sites on the list.
在昨日立法会辩论中,民建联议员(黄容根)在关键时刻失踪,以致杀局条例草案获通过。 But the legislation was saved from a narrow defeat early in yesterday‘s debate only by the disappearance of a DAB legislator at a crucial moment.
最有可能是五供二,每股作价六月七角。 But the most likely option will be a two-for-five rights issue and the shares are likely to be priced at $6.70 each.
911遇袭后美国加强保安措施及善用情报,至今保障了美国本土安全。 But the tough security measures introduced in the aftermath of the attacks - and better use of intelligence - have, so far, kept America safe.
不过暂时未有计划在罗湖关口实施廿四小时通关。 But there are no immediate plans to open Lowu around the clock.
没有证据显示它们会在未来数月拖慢整体经济步伐。 But there‘s no indication that any of this will crimp overall economic development over the next few months.
但这不是天作之合。 But this is not a marriage made in heaven.
人踏人事件,多人被踩死。 But when somebody stumbled
牛油刀 butter knife
购买海外资产 buy assets overseas
(公司)回购股份 buy back its own shares
回购股份 buy back stock
买楼自住 buy flats for self-use
买入母公司海外资产 buy into its parent‘s overseas assets
趁低吸纳 buy on the dip
毋须经医生处方可购买 buy something without
置业人士购买楼龄较旧的楼宇,将可以做七成按揭,并且获得优惠利率及二十五年的还款期。 Buyers of older flats will be offered mortgages of up to 70 per cent of the property value at a concessionary interest rate for terms as long as 25 years.
回购二千一百万股 buying back 21 million shares
向警察通讯员买料 buying confidential crime information from police communication officers
从不法渠道购买药物 buying the drug through illicit
在黑市买伟哥 buying Viagra on the black market
买一送一优惠 buy-one-get-one-free
(某项目)二零零五年时的盈利应占公司总盈利近半 by 2005 should account for almost half its revenues
下午二时已有数千人在维园聚集。 By 2pm, hundreds of protesters had already assembled in Victoria Park.
截至周二下午,已有九校停课。 By Tuesday afternoon, at least nine schools had suspended classes.
补选 by-election
路人 bystanders in the street
容许国内股民购买 B股allow domestic investors to trade in B shares
分析员表示北京当局多不会对用外币购买 B股一事设置太多限制。Analysts said Beijing would probably not place too many restrictions on the use of foreign currency to buy B shares.
开放 B股市场予内地投资者opened the door to its B-share market to domestic investors
上海 B股指数Shanghai B-share Index
深圳 B股指数Shenzhen B-share Index
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