令数以十万计的反对派支持者走上街头 brought hundreds of thousands of opposition demonstrators on to the streets
为以色列和埃及带来和平 brought peace to Isreal and Egypt
芝麻斑 Brown-spotted Grouper
逛书店和唱片店 browse through book stores and CD shops
浏览器 browser
上网 browsing the internet
撞伤 bruise (vi)(vt)/(n);
女死者下巴有瘀痕,右手有伤痕。 Bruises were found on the woman‘s chin and there was a cut on her right hand.
刷牙 brush their teeth
残酷、惨无人道 brutality
泡沫经济 bubble economy
逆市而行 bucked the trend
为以色列和埃及带来和平 brought peace to Isreal and Egypt
芝麻斑 Brown-spotted Grouper
逛书店和唱片店 browse through book stores and CD shops
浏览器 browser
上网 browsing the internet
撞伤 bruise (vi)(vt)/(n);
女死者下巴有瘀痕,右手有伤痕。 Bruises were found on the woman‘s chin and there was a cut on her right hand.
刷牙 brush their teeth
残酷、惨无人道 brutality
泡沫经济 bubble economy
逆市而行 bucked the trend
扣紧了的皮带 buckled belt
佛牙 Buddha‘s tooth
佛教 Buddhism
鸡奸 buggery (u)/sodomy (u); Buggery is anal
建设一个和谐社会 build a harmonious society
在北大屿山选址发展现代化物流园 build a modern Logistics Park on North Lantau Island
建立党对党共同沟通平台 build a platform for regular party-to-party consultation
建立一个制度和文化,就是政府官员要负上政治责任 build a system and culture of political accountability
打造国际品牌 build an international brand
兴建总楼面逾一百五十五万平方呎的住宅 build flats over a gross floor area of 1.55 million sq ft.
建立互信 build mutual trust
建立自尊 build self-esteem
在添马舰兴建新的政府总部 build the new government headquarters at Tamar
与某人展开积极性对话 build up constructive dialogue with somebody
建立正确的性观念 build up the right attitude
建立自信心和自我形象 build up their confidence and self-image
打造全球品牌 building a global brand
建立新的教育制度,以全民都终生学习和作出通才发展为目标 building an education system conducive to lifelong learning and the all-round development of every individual
可能要修改大厦公契,以防止住户在铝窗晾衫。 Building deeds might have to be amended to stop tenants hanging out clothes to dry on window frames.
建立香港为亚洲的国际都会 building Hong Kong as Asia‘s World City
建筑材料 building materials
建筑图则 building plans
建筑地盘 building sites/construction site
屋宇署 Buildings Department
保加利亚(索非亚) Bulgaria(Sofia)
牛市(升市) bull market; a bull market for the US dollar
子弹火车 bullet train
避弹头盔 bulletproof helmets
避弹衣 bullet-proof jackets/bulletproof vest
用枪指吓他们,并推他们上车 bundled the victim into the car at gunpoint