大火席卷大厦 a fire swept through a
急救课程、急救班 a first aid course
尼龙袋藏有五岁男童尸体 a five-year-old boy whose body was stuffed into a nylon bag
他死时所身处的单位 a flat where he met his death
一家刚起步的网络公司 a fledging dotcom
低迷的经济 a floundering economy
假护照 a forged passport
正式的不反对通知书 a formal notice of no objection
创党成员 a founding member
一条四米长的大蟒蛇 a four-meter python
左脚脚踝骨裂 a fractured left ankle
军事互信机制 a framework for mutual military trust
急救课程、急救班 a first aid course
尼龙袋藏有五岁男童尸体 a five-year-old boy whose body was stuffed into a nylon bag
他死时所身处的单位 a flat where he met his death
一家刚起步的网络公司 a fledging dotcom
低迷的经济 a floundering economy
假护照 a forged passport
正式的不反对通知书 a formal notice of no objection
创党成员 a founding member
一条四米长的大蟒蛇 a four-meter python
左脚脚踝骨裂 a fractured left ankle
军事互信机制 a framework for mutual military trust
一宗罕见的意外 a freak accident
自由港/免税港 a free port
免费穿梭巴士 a free shuttle bus
自由法治社会 a free society under the rule of law
生果刀 a fruit knife
完全的民主政体 a full-fledged democracy
全职作家 a full-time author
在香港,博彩税为库房带来大量收益。 A gambling tax in Hong Kong contributes significantly to government coffers.
一个翻版光盘集团用新界猪场作掩饰,生产数以万计的翻版光盘。 A gang making pirate compact discs churned out thousands of fakes using a New Territories pig farm as cover.
漏煤气 a gas leak
聚会地点 a gathering place for members
君子协定 a gentlemen‘s agreement
巨型天幕 a giant canopy
巨型户外电视屏幕 a giant outdoor TV screen
一名政府法律专家 a government forensic expert
政府消息来源指出,由于地铁私有化收益少于预期,本年度的财政赤字可能由六亿元增加到十一亿元。 A government source said the estimated $6 billion deficit for the financial year might rise to $11 billion because of the lower-than-expected revenue from privatisation of the Mass Transit Railway Corporation.
任何负责任的政府,都不会完全听从民调。 A government which is totally dragged by the nose by opinion polls is not a responsible government.
宽限期 a grave period
呼声越来越高 a groundswell of opinion
导盲犬 a guide-dog for the blind
枪战 a gun battle
半裸的何伟途 a half-naked Mr Ho
实不多。 A handful of Hong Kong men
一个既快乐又富正义感的人 a happy person with a sense of righteousness
祥和的社会气氛 a harmonious social environment
临时安排的记者招待会 a hastily arranged press briefing
儿童发展先导计划 a Head Start Programme on Child Development
一个人人都会有共鸣的温馨故事 a heart-warming story that everyone can relate to
待产大陆女子 a heavily pregnant
高地价政策 a high land-price policy