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父母离异的孩童    a child of divorce

外国公司早就垂涎中国这个市场    a Chinese market over which foreign companies have long drool

中式酒楼    a Chinese restaurant

古典音乐表演场地    a classical-music venue

八党联盟    a coalition of eight political parties

彩色荧幕/彩色屏幕    a colour screen

公益金慈善活动    a Community Chest charity function

社会服务令    a community service order

小型客货车    a compact minivan

全面的学历认可机制    a comprehensive mechanism for qualifications

音乐厅    a concert hall

石屎森林    a concrete jungle

爱滋病的集散中心    a confluence of HIV

领事职员    a consulate official

一名领事馆发言人    a consulate spokesman

咨询文件    a consultation paper

一对情侣在一单位烧炭自杀身亡。    A couple was found

去年一名十七岁学童在一制冰厂做暑期工,时薪二十元。他在工作的第一天就发生意外,被切下一脚,制冰厂昨日被法庭判罚四万元。    A court has fined an ice-making factory $40000 after a 17-year-old pupil doing a summer job at $20 an hour had its foot severed in an ice machine on his first day of work last year.

充斥罪案的城市    a crime-filled city

李柱铭宣布选情告急    a crisis call for votes by Mr Lee

广受好评的作家    a critically acclaimed writer

海关去年成立了工作小组,专门打击网上盗版,但至今还没有作过一次检控。    A Customs taskforce set up last year to battle Internet piracy has failed to secure any prosecutions.

跳舞机    a Dance Dance Revolution machine

一只死猪    a dead pig

一名债务缠身女子    a debt-ridden woman

游行路线    a demonstration route

安居乐业的地方    a desirable place to live and work

点心师傅    a dim sum chef

滥用抗生素的直接恶果    a direct

赈灾演唱会    a disaster fund-raising concert

令国家和宪法蒙羞    a disgrace to our country and constitution

神圣天皇    a divine Emperor

难看脸毛。    A doctor was last night

在某处舞狮    a dragon weaves along somewhere

一种鼻敏感药物    a drug for treating nasal allergies

公平竞争法    a fair-competition law

童话式婚礼    a fairytale wedding

家和万事兴    A family that lives in harmony will prosper

快餐店    a fast-food restaurant

一列列车在早上繁忙时间发生故障,导致调景岭至北角之间的列车服务中断四十七分钟,数以千计的过海乘客上班迟到。    A faulty train triggered the suspension of service between Tiu Keng Leng and North Point for 47 minutes during the morning rush, leaving thousands of cross-harbour commuters late for work.

一场非常激烈的新一轮减价战    a ferocious new price war

企图集体自焚    a fiery group-suicide

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