盲肠切除手术/割盲肠 appendectomy
加上一段神学讯息 appended a theological message
盲肠炎 appendicitis
附体骨骼 appendicular skeleton
阑尾/盲肠 appendix/cecum/caecum
苹果日报 Apple Daily
苹果日报总编辑叶一坚 Apple Daily editor-in-chief Ip Yut-kin
《苹果日报》的娱乐版 Apple Daily‘s entertainment section
苹果批 Apple Pie
盈富基金昨日开始公开认购,大批市民轮候长达两小时,购买总值十亿元的官股。 Applications for the Government‘s tracker fund opened yesterday, with dozens of people waiting up to two hours to seek a share of the $10 billion offer.
颁令该公司股东及董事不得离开香港 applied for a court order to prevent company bosses from leaving Hong Kong
申请认购(盈富) applied for their allocation
加上一段神学讯息 appended a theological message
盲肠炎 appendicitis
附体骨骼 appendicular skeleton
阑尾/盲肠 appendix/cecum/caecum
苹果日报 Apple Daily
苹果日报总编辑叶一坚 Apple Daily editor-in-chief Ip Yut-kin
《苹果日报》的娱乐版 Apple Daily‘s entertainment section
苹果批 Apple Pie
盈富基金昨日开始公开认购,大批市民轮候长达两小时,购买总值十亿元的官股。 Applications for the Government‘s tracker fund opened yesterday, with dozens of people waiting up to two hours to seek a share of the $10 billion offer.
颁令该公司股东及董事不得离开香港 applied for a court order to prevent company bosses from leaving Hong Kong
申请认购(盈富) applied for their allocation
应用科技研究院 Applied Science and Technology Research Institute
申请延任 applied to extend their service
申请法律援助 apply for legal aid
请求议员支持 apply for legislators‘ approval
申请学费减免 apply for tuition fee remission
应用新知识、新技术和新思维 apply new knowledge, technologies and innovative thinking
向以色列政府施压 apply pressure on the Israeli government
申请加价 apply to raise fares
申请加车费 applying for a fare rise
申请牌照 applying for a licence
招聘公务员以外人才担任局长/空降局长 appoint people from the private sector to senior posts
委任宗教领袖出任政府高职 appointing religious leaders to top government positions
找人问责 apportioning blame
人民币升值 appreciation of the yuan
可以采取适当的补救措施帮助学生。 Appropriate remedial action could be taken to help the students.
批核程序 approval procedures
同意出售强力武器予台湾 approved a robust arms package for Taiwan
四五行动小组 April 5th Action Group
四五行动 April Fifth Action Group
旱厕 aqua privies
水状体 aqueous humour
阿拉伯共同市场 Arab Common Market
阿拉伯激进人士 Arab radicals
阿拉伯海 Arabian Sea
以巴和平 Arab-Israeli peace
可耕土地 arable land
咸海 Aral Sea
套戥活动 arbitrage activities
调停 arbitrate/mediate (vi)
调停员 arbitrator/mediator