抗氧化物 antioxidants
环保措施 anti-pollution measures
扶贫委员会 anti-poverty commission
抗排斥药物 anti-rejection tablets
反分裂国家法 anti-secession law
反煽动法 anti-sedition laws
消毒剂 antiseptic
反吸烟人士 anti-smoking advocates
反恐行动 anti-terrorism operation
反恐策略 anti-terrorism strategy
抗毒素 antitoxin
反黑行动 anti-triad operation
环保措施 anti-pollution measures
扶贫委员会 anti-poverty commission
抗排斥药物 anti-rejection tablets
反分裂国家法 anti-secession law
反煽动法 anti-sedition laws
消毒剂 antiseptic
反吸烟人士 anti-smoking advocates
反恐行动 anti-terrorism operation
反恐策略 anti-terrorism strategy
抗毒素 antitoxin
反黑行动 anti-triad operation
民主倒董力量 Anti-Tung Solidarity
反美言论 anti-US vitriol
抗蛇毒素 antivenin
扫黄行动 anti-vice raids
计算机病毒顾问 anti-virus consultant
肛门 anus
只要父母其中一方是香港人,子女就有居港权。 Any child with one Hong Kong parent was entitled to the right of abode.
所有非法泊车的车辆将被拖走。 Any illegally parked vehicles would be towed away.
任何歧视同性恋的法律均有可能快被推翻。 Any law that discriminates against gays could be ripe for reversal.
方案必须巩固以行政长官为首的行政主导体制。 Any proposed amendments must aim at consolidating the executive-led system headed by the chief executive and must not deviate from this principle of design.
方案须有利社会各阶层透过不同途径参政,以便在政治体制内都有代表声音。 Any proposed amendments must enable different sectors of society to be represented in the political structure and to participate in politics through various channels
方案必须确保能继续兼顾社会各阶层利益。 Any proposed amendments should ensure that consideration would continue to be given to the interests of different sectors of society
所有填海得来的土地都会用于公共用途,不会出售。 Any reclaimed land would be for public use only and not for sale.
体。 Anyone who has been in close
美国线上时代华纳 AOL Time Warner
大动脉 aorta
鸭洲 Ap Chau
鸭?洲 Ap Lei Chau
单位面积由六百呎至九百呎不等,售价为一百九十万元至三百万元。 Apartments vary from about 600 to 900 sq feet and are being sold at between $1.9 million and $3 million.
亚太经合会议 APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Corporation)
开胃酒 aperitifs
春药 aphrodisiac
世界末日的大灾难 apocalypse
对混乱表示抱歉和遗憾 apologised and regretted the chaos
基督使徒 Apostle
药剂师、药材商店/药材铺 apothecary
向法官贝律贤求情 appealed to Magistrate John Brennan for leniency
恳求法庭从轻发落 appealing for leniency
恳请传媒不要骚扰他的家人 appealing to the media to leave his family alone
平息内部不满声音 appease internal dissent