公布提名程序的细节 announce details of the nomination process
宣布辞职 announce his resignation
公布业绩 announce/report/unveil results
宣布旗舰公司盈利大跌 announced a big drop in profits of his flagship companies
表明会投资互动电视计划 announced a joint venture on interactive TV services
宣布十送一红股 announced a one-for-10 share bonus issue
宣布两家(铁路)公司可能合并 announced a possible merger of the two operators
宣布单方面停火 announced a unilateral ceasefire
公布中期业绩,盈利为二千八百一十万元 announced an interim profit of HK$28.1 million
宣布打算申请竞选州长 announced his intention to file his candidacy for Governor
作出最后让步 announced his last-minute concessions
宣布一些短期措施改善失业问题 announced some short-term measures to reduce unemployment
宣布辞职 announce his resignation
公布业绩 announce/report/unveil results
宣布旗舰公司盈利大跌 announced a big drop in profits of his flagship companies
表明会投资互动电视计划 announced a joint venture on interactive TV services
宣布十送一红股 announced a one-for-10 share bonus issue
宣布两家(铁路)公司可能合并 announced a possible merger of the two operators
宣布单方面停火 announced a unilateral ceasefire
公布中期业绩,盈利为二千八百一十万元 announced an interim profit of HK$28.1 million
宣布打算申请竞选州长 announced his intention to file his candidacy for Governor
作出最后让步 announced his last-minute concessions
宣布一些短期措施改善失业问题 announced some short-term measures to reduce unemployment
宣布增加汽车首次登记税 announced tax increases for vehicle registration
公布第一季纯利比去年同期下降近百分之五十 announced that its first-quarter earnings were off almost 50% from the prior year
宣布改名 announced the name change
宣布停课 announced the suspension of classes
宣布参选 announced their candidacy
宣布新一轮打压分离主义份子运动 announced yet another campaign against separatists
宣布一年内不会裁员 announcing a one-year moratorium on firing
公布最新的罪案数字 announcing the
匿名器官捐赠者 anonymous donor
厌食症 anorexia
政府明益大商家的另一例子 another example of the government pandering to big business
另一个议而不决的事项 another issue that has been much talked about but not acted upon
鞍山 Anshan
食蚁兽 anteaters
蚁丘 anthill
选集 anthology
炭疽菌 anthrax
炭疽菌胞子 anthrax spores
席卷全国的反美情绪 anti-American sentiment sweeping the country
反弹道导弹条约 Anti-Ballistic Missile agreement
反对基督者 antichrist
反走私香烟特遣部队 Anti-cigarette Smuggling Task Force
廉署调查人员发现马鞍山消防局一名消防总队目涉嫌收受多名消防员送礼,包括二手私家车、无线电话和金手链,然后给予送礼的消防员良好的评语。 Anti-corruption investigators allege a principal fireman at Ma On Shan station helped his subordinates get favourable appraisals in return for benefits including a second hand car, a mobile phone and a gold bracelet.
抗抑郁药 antidepressant
解毒剂/解药 antidote
抗原 antigens
反全球化示威者 anti-globalisation protesters
反政府示威 anti-government protests
反日情绪 anti-Japanese sentiments
灭蚊运动/灭蚊行动 anti-mosquito campaign