公开的秘密 an open secret
公开招标过程 an open tendering process
权力平稳移交 an orderly transfer of power
预防胜于治疗。 An ounce of prevention
反抗萨达姆的起义运动 an uprising against Saddam
消费疲弱 anaemic consumption
消费意欲薄弱 anaemic consumption demand
无氧呼吸 anaerobic respiration
麻醉师 anaesthetist
肛门括约肌 anal sphincter
分析员预期恐慌性拋售会把恒指推低至一万五千五百点以下水平。 Analysts forecast panic selling could push the Hang Seng Index below 15,500 points.
分析家指投资者对施政报告缺乏改善经济措施感失望。 Analysts said investors were disappointed with the lack of measures to boost the economy.
公开招标过程 an open tendering process
权力平稳移交 an orderly transfer of power
预防胜于治疗。 An ounce of prevention
反抗萨达姆的起义运动 an uprising against Saddam
消费疲弱 anaemic consumption
消费意欲薄弱 anaemic consumption demand
无氧呼吸 anaerobic respiration
麻醉师 anaesthetist
肛门括约肌 anal sphincter
分析员预期恐慌性拋售会把恒指推低至一万五千五百点以下水平。 Analysts forecast panic selling could push the Hang Seng Index below 15,500 points.
分析家指投资者对施政报告缺乏改善经济措施感失望。 Analysts said investors were disappointed with the lack of measures to boost the economy.
摩苏尔昨日进入无政府状态,市民四处抢掠。 Anarchy and looting enveloped Mosul yesterday.
安纳托利亚高原 Anatolian Plateau
主要租客 anchor tenant
主持亚视本港台傍晚新闻报导 anchor the main evening news on ATV Home
容许内地航空公司的航班经香港转飞其它地方,定能增加香港机杨的流量,巩固香港作为邻近地区的交通枢纽的地位。 And allowing mainland airlines to fly via Hong Kong to onward destinations can only increase the traffic at Chek Lap Kok and secure its position as a regional hub.
香港银行开始可以做人民币存款生意。 And Hong Kong banks have been permitted to start taking deposits in renminbi.
而自由党亦首次上街抗议,率领超过二千人在中环集会,表达业主和商人所受到的不公平待遇。 And in an unprecedented move, the Liberal Party led more than 2,000 people in Central to highlight negative equity suffered by flat owners and businessmen.
结果发现人们对家电的要求比计算机高。 And it turns out people have higher standards for appliances than they have for computers.
安第斯山脉 Andes
郑家富 Andrew Cheng Kar-foo
梁君彦 Andrew Leung Kwan-yuen
余若薇 Andrey Eu Yuet-mee
贫血 anemia
麻醉科医师 anesthesiologist
麻醉剂 anesthetic
心绞痛 angina
狭心症 angina pectoris
安哥拉(罗安达) Angola(Luanda)
对港大医学院重新命名感到愤怒 angry at the renaming of the University of Hong Kong‘s medical faculty
动物基因 animal genes
濒临绝种的动物 animal species on the blink of extinction
动物管理员 animal wardens
爱护动物人士 animal-lovers
亚洲动物基金 Animals Asia Foundation
动画人物/卡通人物 animation figures
中东地区对美国的仇恨 animosity toward the US in the Middle East
足踝 ankle
宣布增加军费百分之十七点六,以加快军备现代化进程 announce a 17.6 per cent rise in defence spending to speed up modernisation of the military
宣布供股四供一 announce a one-for-four rights issue
宣布把来年经济增长目标定为百分之七 announce a seven per cent economic growth target for the year