邪教 an evil cult
恶法 an evil law
预防慢性疾病专家 an expert in
没有办法下的最佳解释 an explanation of last resort
极早期的癌症 an extremely low-grade form of cancer
僭建的阳台 an illegal balcony
继续改革的动力 an impetus to further reform
进出口商人 an import-export merchant
错版特区区旗 an incorrect version of the SAR flag
家庭暴力事件上升 an increase in number of domestic violence
愈来愈僵化的领导层 an increasingly ossified leadership
越来越离群的生活 an increasingly reclusive lifestyle
恶法 an evil law
预防慢性疾病专家 an expert in
没有办法下的最佳解释 an explanation of last resort
极早期的癌症 an extremely low-grade form of cancer
僭建的阳台 an illegal balcony
继续改革的动力 an impetus to further reform
进出口商人 an import-export merchant
错版特区区旗 an incorrect version of the SAR flag
家庭暴力事件上升 an increase in number of domestic violence
愈来愈僵化的领导层 an increasingly ossified leadership
越来越离群的生活 an increasingly reclusive lifestyle
独立的法定组织 an independent
独立候选人 an independent
独立委员会 an independent committee
独立调查委员会 an independent inquiry
一个主权独立的国家 an independent, sovereign country
闭路电视录像了一名印佣虐待两岁幼主。 An Indonesian maid was filmed ill-treating her employer‘s two-year-old son at home on a hidden camera.
工业社会 an industrial society
受感染人士、患者 an infected person
传染病 an infectious
富影响力的人 an influential person
流感疫潮会扩散至全球,无一国家幸免。 An influenza
信息社会 an information society
基建项目 an infrastructure project
违反中英联合声明 an infringement of the Sino-British Joint Declaration
警方初步调查后,认为案件无可疑。 An initial
初步验尸证实男童于被掳走当天遇害,但真正死因仍有待进一步化验。 An initial postmortem examination confirmed the boy was killed on the day of his aduction. However, the cause of his death would not be known until a full autopsy was carried out.
干预某国内政 an interference in somebody‘s internal affairs
临时禁制令 an interim injunction
中期报告 an interim report
内部委员会 an internal committee
内部事项 an internal matter
国际名人 an international celebrity
国际偷运人蛇集团 an international human smuggling gang
国际笑话 an international joke
调查操纵股价事件 an investigation into alleged share price manipulation
拿凶徒。 An NT$3 million (HK$700,000) reward has
一名休班警员 an off-duty policeman
该罪最高刑罚为死刑 an offence that carries a maximum penalty of death
运油货车 an oil tanker
网上相簿 an online photo album