急性 acute (a); acute appendicitis
阿当 Adam
喉结/喉核 Adam‘s apple
为草案能否如期于今周表决增添新变量 added new uncertainties over whether the bill could be put to a vote as scheduled this week
火上加油 adding fuel to the flame
增加公众地方 adding more public space
附属卡持卡人 additional cardholder
附属卡 additional credit card
他会见五院院长,交代上周五的枪伤案详情。 Addressing
急市民所急 addressing people‘s pressing needs
阿德莱德 Adelaide
腺病毒 adenovirus
阿当 Adam
喉结/喉核 Adam‘s apple
为草案能否如期于今周表决增添新变量 added new uncertainties over whether the bill could be put to a vote as scheduled this week
火上加油 adding fuel to the flame
增加公众地方 adding more public space
附属卡持卡人 additional cardholder
附属卡 additional credit card
他会见五院院长,交代上周五的枪伤案详情。 Addressing
急市民所急 addressing people‘s pressing needs
阿德莱德 Adelaide
腺病毒 adenovirus
坚持审慎理财和小政府的方针 adhere steadfastly to the philosophy of small government with prudent fiscal management
遵守法治 adhering to the rule of law
胶布 adhesive tape
延迟判刑 adjourned sentencing
判刑押后至十二月二日 adjourned sentencing to December 2
判决 adjudicate (vi)/adjudication (n)/ruling (n)/verdict (n); was called in to adjudicate/adjudicate a claim/The case was referred to a higher court for adjudication./A ruling is an official decision, especially one made by a court. A verdict is an official de
男童灌有毒化学物质 administering a noxious chemical to the boy
行政成本 administration costs
行政工作 administration tasks
行政署 Administration Wing, Chief Secretary for Administration‘s Office
行政经验 administrative experience
政府主任职系 administrative officer (A.O.)
政府车辆管理处处长王亮嘉 Administrator Mr Peter Walker
舰队司令 admiral
金钟 Admiralty
收生政策 admission policy
承认处理内地非典型肺炎时有失误 admit faults in handling the Sars outbreak in the mainland
吸收新血 admit new blood
吸纳商人和社会精英为共产党员 admit private businessmen and social elites as party members
承认「七一效应」已减退 admit the "July 1 effect" has faded
承认用藤条和铁尺虐打一名四岁女童,以责罚她尿床 admitted caning a four-year-old girl with a rattan stick and a metal ruler for wetting herself
承认和某人有染 admitted having an
承认疏忽 admitted negligence
(法官)不准传媒刊登九一年钱志明桃色案中女受害人的名字 admonished the press not to name the women concerned during Chin‘s trial in 1991
领养四十只狗 adopt 40 dogs
对政党政治持有较正面的态度 adopt a more positive attitude towards party politics
采用更彻底的方法 adopt more radical measures
采取较温和的立场 adopted a more moderate stance
执行资源增值计划 adopted enhanced productivity measures to increase their efficiency
活动教学 adopted the activity-teaching approach