领养小狗 adopted the puppy
采取最严密的保安程序 adopts the
亚得里亚海 Adriatic Sea
灵活回避冲突,巧妙处理对立问题 adroitly sidestepping conflict and finessing confrontation
成人用品商店 adult stores
成人玩具 adult toys
通奸 adultery (u); Adultery is sex between
在职成年人 adults in work
促进中港经济融合 advance Hong Kong‘s economic integration with the rest of China
(股价)上升(动词) advance/climb/hike/increase/rise (n)
(股价)上升(名词) advance/climb/increase/rise/gain ground (v)
先进医疗设备 advanced medical
采取最严密的保安程序 adopts the
亚得里亚海 Adriatic Sea
灵活回避冲突,巧妙处理对立问题 adroitly sidestepping conflict and finessing confrontation
成人用品商店 adult stores
成人玩具 adult toys
通奸 adultery (u); Adultery is sex between
在职成年人 adults in work
促进中港经济融合 advance Hong Kong‘s economic integration with the rest of China
(股价)上升(动词) advance/climb/hike/increase/rise (n)
(股价)上升(名词) advance/climb/increase/rise/gain ground (v)
先进医疗设备 advanced medical
广告客户 advertising clients
广告公司 advertising firm
不建议恢复输入内地活鸡 advised against resuming
不宜服食银杏制品 advised people on blood-thinning
咨询委员会 advisory committees
提倡政治改革 advocated political reform
主张血腥镇压 advocated the bloody crackdown
支持不限制难民入境 advocated unrestricted access to immigrants
爱琴海 Aegean Sea
有氧呼吸 aerobic respiration
俄罗斯航空 Aeroflot Russian International Airlines
航空邮简 aerogram
航空专家 aeronautics experts
喷雾剂 aerosol sprays
影响香港的信贷评级 affect our credit ratings
影响水流 affect water currents
受影响住户 affected residents
受影响员工 affected staff/affected employees
输入小动脉 afferent arteriole
宣誓书 affidavit
平权措施 affirmative action
侮辱、冒犯 affront (vt)/(sing); To affront is
阿富汗(喀布尔) Afghanistan(Kabul)
非洲国家 African nations
非洲裔美国人/非裔美国人/美国黑人 African-Americans
经过六小时对峙,一百名警员于上午四时三十分左右采取行动,拖走五十名成功闯入政府总部的示威学生。 After a six-hour standoff, at around 4.30am some 100 police officers took action to drag away 50 student demonstrators who had managed to get into the grounds of the government office complex.
毕竟,救人是最重要的事。 After all,
事故。 After all, the bank also owes
经过连日来多宗流血事件后 after days of widespread bloodletting
经过四个月的调查 after four months of investigation