诱拐者 abductor
香港仔 Aberdeen
香港仔华人永远坟场 Aberdeen Chinese Permanent
香港仔下水塘 Aberdeen Lower Reservoir
香港仔隧道 Aberdeen Tunnel
香港仔上水塘 Aberdeen Upper Reservoir
厌恶的 abhorrent
阿比让 Abidjan(Cote d‘Ivoire)
声称有居港权的内地人 abode-seekers
废除落地签证 abolish tourist visas on arrival
堕胎儿/流产的胚胎 aborted fetuses
共筹得约三千三百万元 About $33 million was raised.
香港仔 Aberdeen
香港仔华人永远坟场 Aberdeen Chinese Permanent
香港仔下水塘 Aberdeen Lower Reservoir
香港仔隧道 Aberdeen Tunnel
香港仔上水塘 Aberdeen Upper Reservoir
厌恶的 abhorrent
阿比让 Abidjan(Cote d‘Ivoire)
声称有居港权的内地人 abode-seekers
废除落地签证 abolish tourist visas on arrival
堕胎儿/流产的胚胎 aborted fetuses
共筹得约三千三百万元 About $33 million was raised.
受移植手术。 About 100 people are also awaiting
约有一百八十名居民要疏散。 About 180
约有七成工作无须工作经验。 About 70 per cent of the jobs offered required no previous experience.
约有半数学生获派首个志愿。 About half have been given their first-choice.
石礼谦 Abraham Shek Lai-him
磨损 abrasion
脓疮 abscess
药棉 absorbent totton/cotton wool ball
斋戒、禁欲 abstinence (u)
阿布格莱布监狱 Abu Ghraib jail
滥用抗生素 abuse of antibiotics
谩骂式人身攻击 abusive personal attacks
(小六)学能测验 Academic Aptitude Test
学术水平 academic standards
学者 academics
学者批评拨款委员会干预大学自主。 Academics criticised the grants committee for infringing on university autonomy.
加快弹颏速度 accelerate impeachment
加快经济改革进程 accelerate the process of economic reform
加速开放国内市场 accelerated the opening of the mainland market
接受外界援助 accept outside help
接受婚前性行为 accept the idea of
收受下属利益 accepted advantages from his subordinates
收受贿款和非法政治献金 accepting bribes and illegal campaign donations
接受妓女的免费性服务 accepting free sex from
香港意外保险公会 Accident Insurance Association of Hong Kong
同党、同谋 accomplice
污点证人 accomplice-turned-prosecution witness
根据官方数字/根据官方统计 according to official
根据最新官方数字 according to the latest official figures
户口号码 account number