痉挛 went into convulsions
开始阵痛 went into labour
骚乱 went on the rampage
入狱两年半 went to prison for two and a half years
未经联合国批准就开战 went to war without U.N. approval
十五岁开始吃全素 went vegan at 15
两天没进食 went without food for two days
是香港市民集体记忆的一部分 were a part of the city‘s collective memory
透过不法手段得来(假护照) were allegedly obtained illegally
经七个月调查后拘捕疑犯 were arrested
违反逗留条件而被捕 were arrested for
因参与未经许可的游行而被捕 were arrested for joining an unauthorised march???
开始阵痛 went into labour
骚乱 went on the rampage
入狱两年半 went to prison for two and a half years
未经联合国批准就开战 went to war without U.N. approval
十五岁开始吃全素 went vegan at 15
两天没进食 went without food for two days
是香港市民集体记忆的一部分 were a part of the city‘s collective memory
透过不法手段得来(假护照) were allegedly obtained illegally
经七个月调查后拘捕疑犯 were arrested
违反逗留条件而被捕 were arrested for
因参与未经许可的游行而被捕 were arrested for joining an unauthorised march???
被截查 were asked to stop
正协助廉署调查案件 were assisting ICAC
可能会误堕法网 were at risk of committing an offence
获百分之百的配股 were awarded 100 per cent of the shares they asked for
开始重过正常生活 were beginning to return to their normal routines
在不同文化环境中成长 were brought up in a different culture
被公安押走 were carted away by police
正密切留意本港发展 were closely watching developments in Hong Kong
证实死亡 were confirmed death/was
严重伤人罪成 were convicted of causing grievous bodily harm with intent
被落马洲边境关卡一队警员发现 were discovered by police at the Lok Ma Chau checkpoint
在街上被警察歧视 were discriminated against by police on the streets
显示各方的诚意 were displays of sincerity from all sides
由艺术界选出 were elected by the arts community
情绪稳定 were emotionally stable
(某些区)学额短缺最严重 were facing the most severe shortages
挂满他的横额和海报 were festooned with his banners and posters
涌上街头抗议 were flooding the streets in protest
处于破产受管状态 were forced into receivership
不能再经营下去 were forced out of business
被发现躺卧在血泊中昏迷不醒 were found
谋杀罪成 were found guilty of murder
在该男子身上搜出 were found on the man
被发现含有孔雀石绿 were found to
另再被控以一项非法禁锢罪名 were further charged with one count of false imprisonment
受到英雄式欢迎 were given a hero‘s welcome
被判缓刑 were given suspended jail terms
被强行带走 were hauled away
被扣作人质 were held hostage
收到清拆令 were issued removal orders