越南航空 Vietnam Airlines
越南(河内) Vietnam(Hanoi)
越南船民 Vietnamese boatpeople
越南难民 Vietnamese refugees
损害名誉 vilify (vt); They were vilified by the press as ‘international terrorists‘.
乡村元老 village elders
村代表 village representatives
村民 villagers
长春花(提取长春新碱) vinblastine
方刚 Vincent Fang Kang
长春新碱(抗癌) vincristine
平反 vindicate
越南(河内) Vietnam(Hanoi)
越南船民 Vietnamese boatpeople
越南难民 Vietnamese refugees
损害名誉 vilify (vt); They were vilified by the press as ‘international terrorists‘.
乡村元老 village elders
村代表 village representatives
村民 villagers
长春花(提取长春新碱) vinblastine
方刚 Vincent Fang Kang
长春新碱(抗癌) vincristine
平反 vindicate
违反内部指引 violated internal guidelines
违反新闻准则 violated journalistic standards
违反《性别歧视条例》 violated the Sex Discrimination Ordinance
违反人权 violates human rights
违反版权法 violating copyright laws
暴力罪犯 violent offenders
维珍航空 Virgin Atlantic Airways
壮阳药 virility drug/anti-impotence drug
病毒学家 virologist
虚拟现实 virtual reality
演奏大师/演奏家 virtuoso
致命的病菌 virulent bacteria
病毒 virus
) Virus (HIV
白金 Visa Visa Platinum Card
机场能见度 visibility at the airport
海港能见度 visibility in the harbour
有形出口/进口 visible exports/imports; Visible exports are goods, as opposed to services, that are sold to other countries.
视力 vision
洞烛先机 visionary
亲自到火场视察 visit the scene of the fire
召妓 visited a prostitute
到北京游学 visiting Beijing on a study tour
自由行 visiting Hong Kong for sightseeing in individual capacity/individual visits
持双程证来港 visiting on two-way permits/arrived on a two-way permit
访问学人 visiting scholar
旅客人数 visitor arrivals
旅游设施 visitor facilities
旅游宣传刊物 visitor literature
肺活量 vital capacity