神圣的 venerable
性病 venereal disease(VD)/sexually
委内瑞拉(加拉加斯) Venezuela(Caracas)
威尼斯 Venice
恶意 venom
向不能藉投票要求下台的政府官员泄愤 vent frustration at public officials who cannot be voted out of office
透气窗/透气孔 ventilation holes/air ventilation holes
人工呼吸机 ventilator
(塞内加尔)一吐被法国统治了逾两个世纪的乌气 venting their anger over two centuries of French colonialism
腹根 ventral root
心室间隔 ventricular septum
小静脉 venules
性病 venereal disease(VD)/sexually
委内瑞拉(加拉加斯) Venezuela(Caracas)
威尼斯 Venice
恶意 venom
向不能藉投票要求下台的政府官员泄愤 vent frustration at public officials who cannot be voted out of office
透气窗/透气孔 ventilation holes/air ventilation holes
人工呼吸机 ventilator
(塞内加尔)一吐被法国统治了逾两个世纪的乌气 venting their anger over two centuries of French colonialism
腹根 ventral root
心室间隔 ventricular septum
小静脉 venules
口头警告 verbal warnings
辱骂某人 verbally abused somebody
脊柱 vertebral column
兽医 vet
资深异见人士 veteran dissident
否决七条附属法例 veto seven batches of subsidiary legislation???
否决动议 vetoed the proposal
高架桥 viaduct
威而钢/伟哥 Viagra
震荡器 vibrators
大陆委员会副主任委员郑安国 vice chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council Cheng An-kuo
色情架步/色情场所 vice premises/vice
中华人民共和国副主席 Vice- President of the People‘s Republic of China
恒生银行副董事长兼行政总裁柯清辉 vice-chairman and chief executive of Hang Seng Bank Raymond Or Ching-fai
副总理李岚清 Vice-Premier Li Lanqing
副总理钱其琛 Vice-Premier Qian Qichen
副总理吴邦国 Vice-Premier Wu Bangguo
副总理吴仪 Vice-Premier Wu Yi
副总统吕秀莲 Vice-President Annette Lu Hsui-lien
美国副总统切尼 vice-president Dick Cheney
年轻的危险罪犯 vicious young thug
邪恶 viciousness
负资产人士 victims of negative equity/those with negative property assets
受害者怕被罚或遭遣返中国,都不敢挺身举报(蛇头)。 Victims often do not come forward for fear of retribution or deportation back to China.
维多利亚港 Victoria Harbour
维多利亚公众殓房 Victoria Public Mortuary
维多利亚风格的欧式建筑得以保存 Victorian-style European buildings have been preserved
游戏机中心 video arcade
视像会议 video conference/net meeting/teleconference
竞逐成为该区的国际金融中心 vie for the position of the region‘s international financial centre