自愿离职计划 the "voluntary exit" programme
反恐战争 the "war against terror"/"war on terror"
一百四十万元赎金已经寻回 the $1.4 million had been recovered
一零一空降步兵师 the 101st Airborne Division
太阳系的第十个星球 the 10th planet of the solar system
一万二千五百点的阻力仍大。 The 12,500 resistance remained strong.
中共十六大/中共全国第十六次代表大会 the 16th Communist Party Congress
1970年代的石油危机 the 1970s oil shock
一九九六年嘉利大厦火灾 the 1996 Garley building
二十世纪霍士电影 the 20th Century Fox movie studio
二百九十名被解雇员工 the 290 sacked workers
百所房子 the 450-metre landslide that buried an
反恐战争 the "war against terror"/"war on terror"
一百四十万元赎金已经寻回 the $1.4 million had been recovered
一零一空降步兵师 the 101st Airborne Division
太阳系的第十个星球 the 10th planet of the solar system
一万二千五百点的阻力仍大。 The 12,500 resistance remained strong.
中共十六大/中共全国第十六次代表大会 the 16th Communist Party Congress
1970年代的石油危机 the 1970s oil shock
一九九六年嘉利大厦火灾 the 1996 Garley building
二十世纪霍士电影 the 20th Century Fox movie studio
二百九十名被解雇员工 the 290 sacked workers
百所房子 the 450-metre landslide that buried an
第四大贸易国 the 4th-largest trading nation
七一联机 the 7.1 United Front
八百人组成的选举委员会 the 800-member Election Committee
急症室下个月开始收费 the accident and
保钓行动委员会 The Action Committee for Defending the Diaoyu Islands
保护西九文娱行动 The Action Group on West Kowloon Cultural District
提升香港语文水平行动方案 the Action Plan to Raise Language Standards in Hong Kong
美军的行动为伊拉克内外的回教徒制造了仇恨。 The actions of US troops have bred resentment among Muslims inside and outside Iraq.
捣乱人士谴责香港教区主教陈日君两篇反对同性婚姻的文章。 The activists condemned Hong Kong‘s Roman Catholic Bishop Joseph Zen Ze-kiun over two recently articles published in a church newsletter against same-sex marriages.
那些利益是用以确保他们旗下歌手的歌曲能在流行榜上占据高位,并在颁奖礼中获奖。 The advantages were alleged to have been offered to ensure "that hits by certain of their singers would be given favourable positions on the billboard, and securing various musical awards granted by the broadcasting company".
该广告侮辱女性 the advert denigrated women
李登辉新作《台湾的主张》的广告,在湾仔地铁站注销仅三天,就被提早抽起。 The advert for Mr Lee‘s book, Voice of Taiwan, was removed prematurely at Wan Chai MTR station on Saturday after being on display for only three days.
(廉署)的第三把交椅 the agency‘s third-highest official
银行体系结余 the aggregate balance
爱滋病的蔓延 the AIDS pandemic
客机震动得很厉害,突然间失去平衡。 The aircraft was
新机场开幕混乱 the airport opening chaos
封闭机场跑道。 The airport was closed to all
当…虐童案遭揭发 The alleged abuse came to light when……
全球华人保钓大联盟 the Alliance of Worldwide Chinese for the Protection of Diaoyu Islands
升中派位 the allocation of Form One places
政府资助额视乎收生人数而定。 The amount of government subsidy depends on the number of students they admit.
检控个案自去年四月不断上升。 The amount of persecution has been increasing since April last year.
抹香鲸甚少出现在香港水域。牠看来是失散了,在西贡大浪湾搁浅。 The animal, rarely seen in Hong Kong waters and one of the world‘s most protected whale species, was apparently separated from its pod and left stranded. It washed up on Sai Kung‘s Tai Long Wan.
五四运动的周年纪念 the anniversary of the May Fourth Movement protest
经济自由指数 the Annual Index of Economic Freedom
畸型的政治制度造成回归后的管治危机。 The anomalies of the political system have contributed to the governance crisis since the handover.
(美国)反托拉斯法/反垄断法 the antitrust laws
委任的区议员 the appointed district council members
军队已展开拯救行动。 The army has