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追讨挞订差价    take legal action to recover the difference between the original selling price and resale price

做兼职    take on part-time job

拆除铝窗    take out aluminium windows

接任董建华余下的两年任期    take over for the remaining two years of Mr Tung‘s term

出席选举论坛    take part in election debates

加入地下教会    take part in the unofficial, or underground, church

拍风景照    take pictures of scenery

获利回吐    take profits from recent gains

量血压    take somebody‘s blood pressure

把脉    take somebody‘s pulse

量体温    take somebody‘s temperature

考入学试    take the entrance exam

在性生活中采取主动    take the initiative

按照规例宣誓效忠基本法    take the required oath to uphold the Basic Law

逐步来    take things one step at a time

上街抗争/上街抗议/走上街头    take to the streets in protest/street protests

买下所有供股股份    take up all the rights issue

,    taken to Prince of Wales Hospital

公明党党魁神崎武法    Takenori Kanzaki, the New Komeito leader

采取「非友即敌」态度    takes the attitude that "if you are not my friend, you are my enemy"

深呼吸    taking a deep breath

独排众议、不听意见    taking a go-it-alone approach

接受预订暑期机票    taking bookings for summer flights

服食中药    taking Chinese herbal medicine

用…作掩护    taking cover behind……

收取回佣    taking kickbacks

控告麦当奴    taking McDonald‘s to court

1998年接管中巴大部分路线,中巴不再经营巴士    taking over most of the routes given up by the now-defunct China Motor Bus in 1998

参与工会活动    taking part in union activities

参与义务工作/做义工    taking part in volunteer work

服毒    taking poison

现阶段先行获利    taking profits at this level

未经医生处方服用该药物    taking the drug without a

送伤者去医院    taking the injured to hospital

利用实行强积金的机会去削减员工薪金和福利    taking the opportunity of the implementation of the MPF system to make cutbacks in the existing salaries and benefits of employees

施舍给乞丐的钱    takings

政治人才    talented politicians/political talents

无实权的委员会    talking shop

(谈判)破裂(    talks) break down/founder/collapse

(谈判)不顺利(    talks) falter (vi)

(谈判)陷入僵局(    talks) reach an impasse/is deadlocked

谭香文    Tam Heung-man

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