台北 Taipei
台北县地政局长 Taipei County Government Land Administration Bureau director
台北市市长马英九 Taipei mayor Ma Ying-jeou
台北市立和平医院 Taipei Municipal
台湾加权指数 Taipei Weighted Index
台湾 Taiwan
台湾问题 Taiwan impasse/Taiwan Affairs
织发予旅游警告。 Taiwan now has the
(前)台湾总统李登辉 Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui
台湾民选总统陈水扁 Taiwan President-elect Chen Shui-bian
台湾关系法 Taiwan Relations Act
台湾海峡 Taiwan Strait
台北县地政局长 Taipei County Government Land Administration Bureau director
台北市市长马英九 Taipei mayor Ma Ying-jeou
台北市立和平医院 Taipei Municipal
台湾加权指数 Taipei Weighted Index
台湾 Taiwan
台湾问题 Taiwan impasse/Taiwan Affairs
织发予旅游警告。 Taiwan now has the
(前)台湾总统李登辉 Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui
台湾民选总统陈水扁 Taiwan President-elect Chen Shui-bian
台湾关系法 Taiwan Relations Act
台湾海峡 Taiwan Strait
台湾疾病控制中心 Taiwan‘s Center for
(前)台湾驻港最高代表郑安国 Taiwan‘s de facto representative Cheng An-kuo
台湾第一夫人 Taiwan‘s First Lady
台湾行政院长游锡 Taiwan‘s Premier Yu Shyi-kun
台湾第二大反对党 Taiwan‘s second-largest opposition party
自从陈水扁上任,七个月来台湾股市跌幅达半。 Taiwan‘s share market has seen its value slashed in half over the seven months since Mr Chen took office.
台商/台湾商人 Taiwanese businesspeople
光华新闻文化中心 Taiwanese Kwang-hwa Information and Culture Centre
台式冻饮 Taiwan-styled iced drink
太原 Taiyuan
塔吉克(杜尚别) Tajikistan(Dushanbe)
村上隆 Takashi Murakami
抽血检查 take a blood sample
为了一睹某人而请一日假 take a day off to see somebody
服用量多于建议服用量 take a higher
对人体有害 take a toll on health
态度强硬 take a tough stance
静观其变 take a wait-and-see approach
服用过量安眠药 take an overdose of sleeping pills
服用抗排斥药物 take anti-rejection drugs
尽收(学生) take as many something as the quota allows
服避孕丸 take birth control pills
照顾蒋家后人 take care of the family of former president Chiang Ching-kuo
领圣餐 take communion
要切实维护中央的权威和国家的利益 take concrete measures to defend the national interest and Beijing‘s authority
依照特首明定的原则去进行改革 take forward the reform in accordance with the principle laid down by the Chief Executive
关怀弱势社群 take good care of the disadvantaged
在内地起诉她的丈夫 take her husband to
积极做事,让经济走出低谷 take initiatives to pull the economy out of its slump
采取法律行动 take legal action