男童的母亲患有糖尿病,可能因此造成早产。 The boy‘s
早餐派 the Breakfast Group
上半年财赤达七百零八亿元,乃有史以来最多。 The budget deficit for the first half of the fiscal year swelled to a record $70.8 billion
预算案赤字由预期的三百六十五亿元大幅减少至十六亿元。 The budget deficit had dropped from a forecast $36.5 billion to just $1.6 billion.
有关当局正在调查是次事件和之前数宗偷渡案是否有关。 The bureau is investigating if the syndicate was linked with previous cases.
科技泡沫爆破 the bursting of the technology sector bubble
商界 the business community/the business sector
该名商人协助调查后获无条件释放。 The businessman
执政党民进党的竞选总部 the campaign headquarters of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party
资本投资者入境计划/投资移民计划 the capital investment entrant scheme
受偷步买车丑闻缠绕的财政司司长 the car-buying controversy that has engulfed Hong Kong‘s financial secretary
后来事件曝光。 The case came to light later.
早餐派 the Breakfast Group
上半年财赤达七百零八亿元,乃有史以来最多。 The budget deficit for the first half of the fiscal year swelled to a record $70.8 billion
预算案赤字由预期的三百六十五亿元大幅减少至十六亿元。 The budget deficit had dropped from a forecast $36.5 billion to just $1.6 billion.
有关当局正在调查是次事件和之前数宗偷渡案是否有关。 The bureau is investigating if the syndicate was linked with previous cases.
科技泡沫爆破 the bursting of the technology sector bubble
商界 the business community/the business sector
该名商人协助调查后获无条件释放。 The businessman
执政党民进党的竞选总部 the campaign headquarters of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party
资本投资者入境计划/投资移民计划 the capital investment entrant scheme
受偷步买车丑闻缠绕的财政司司长 the car-buying controversy that has engulfed Hong Kong‘s financial secretary
后来事件曝光。 The case came to light later.
是次判决触及市场经济和自由的核心问题,这问题近来已引起广泛议论。 The case cuts to the heart of current debate on freedom and market economies.
银根短绌的北韩政府 the cash-strapped Pyongyang regime
(台)中央选举委员会(中选会) the Central Election Commission
中选会今天会正式宣布陈水扁胜选。 The Central Election Commission will today formally decree Mr Chen as the winner.
中央政府会听取民意。 The central government will listen to the opinions of the community.
中央政府的最新政策 the central government‘s latest policies
中央政府放宽内地旅客来港的旅游限制 the central government‘s relaxation of travel restrictions
中央领导人 the central leaders
中环填海区 the Central reclamation area
中环及湾仔绕道工程 the Central-Wan Chai bypass road project
劳教所 the centre for education through labour
合和实业主席胡应湘 the chairman of Hopewell Holdings, Sir Gordon Wu Ying-sheung
全国政协主席 the chairman of the Chinese People‘s Political Consultative Conference
(高教联)高等院校教职员会联会主席岑嘉评 The chairman of the Federation of Higher Education Staff Associations, Shum Kar-ping
香港记者协会主席麦燕庭 The chairman of the Hong Kong Journalists‘ Association, Mak Yin-ting
保护海港协会主席陆恭蕙 The chairwoman of the Society for the Protection of the Harbour, Christine Loh Kung-wai
尽可能减低交差感染的机会。 The chance
某人生存机会 the chance for somebody‘s
换班 the change in leadership
因应社会诉求而作出的改变。 The change was proposed in response to community wishes.
受是次政治危机影响,台湾股市大幅波动。台北加权指数收市跌百分之二点五,兼且创下全年最低成交额纪录。 The chaos wreaked havoc on Taiwan‘s financial markets yesterday. The Taiwan Stock Exchange weighted index closed down 2.5 per cent on the lowest turnover of the year.
焦尸 the charred body
车臣首府格罗兹尼 the Chechen capital Grozny
两个口岸目前每日人流共二十八万人。 The checkpoints currently handle 280,000 people every day.
中正纪念堂 the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall
特首以健康理由辞职。 The Chief Executive cited problems with his health as the main reason for his resignation.
特首可以由全民普选产生 the Chief Executive could be returned by universal suffrage
行政长官选举条例 The Chief Executive Election Ordinance
特首是由中央政府钦点。 The chief executive is pre-ordained by the central government.
一人一票选出来的特首只会派发免费午餐。 The chief executive who gets elected by one-man, one-vote will only be a free-lunch advocate.