精神分裂症 schizophrenia
患精神分裂症的 schizophrenic
华人学者 scholars of Chinese descent
派位结果将在七月十七日公布。 School allocations will be announced on July 17.
学童牙科保健服务 School Dental Care Service
学校教育 school education
学童 school kids
学校网 school nets
校舍 school premises
学校小食部 school tuck shop
学校的小食部 school tuck shops
学校废纸回收计划 School Waste Paper Recycling Scheme
患精神分裂症的 schizophrenic
华人学者 scholars of Chinese descent
派位结果将在七月十七日公布。 School allocations will be announced on July 17.
学童牙科保健服务 School Dental Care Service
学校教育 school education
学童 school kids
学校网 school nets
校舍 school premises
学校小食部 school tuck shop
学校的小食部 school tuck shops
学校废纸回收计划 School Waste Paper Recycling Scheme
平时分/校内成绩最多会占总分百分之三十。 School-based assessments will account for as much as 30 per cent of the overall grades.
校本课程剪裁计划 School-based Curriculum Tailoring Scheme
学校分阶段复课。 Schools are reopening in stages
学校教师 school-teacher
科学园 Science Park
科学证据 scientific evidence
剪刀 scissors
巩膜 sclera
破纪录考获七优 scored a record seven As
暂时停止向台售卖四艘精密的驱逐舰 scotched the immediate sale to Taiwan of four sophisticated destroyers
遍寻名医 scoured the city for eminent
香港童军总会 Scout Association of HK
争相拋售股票 scramble to offload shares
取消联系汇率 scrap the peg system
废除职位 scrap the post
搁置单一招标模式 scrap the single-developer approach
弃用柴油小巴,改用石油气小巴 scrap their diesel-powered vehicles in favour of LPG-powered ones
破坏「一个中国」原则 scraping the "one-China" principle
取消楼宇按揭的所有现金回赠优惠 scrapped all cash rebates on its mortgage loans
杀局 scrapping elected municipal councils
汽车弃置场 scrapyard
爆粗 screamed an obscenity
不应该再分文理班 screaming into arts and sciences should be scrapped
屏风画 screen paintings
筛选机制 screening
以股代息计划 scrip dividend scheme
圣经、经文 scripture/the scriptures
阴囊 scrotum
破坏和议/谈判 scupper/torpedo a peace deal/talks
坏血病 scurvy