卫星电视有限公司 Satellite Television Asian Region Ltd.
卫星电视/卫视 satellite TV
满足读者的好奇心 satisfying readers‘ curiosity
饱和脂肪 saturated fat
沙特阿拉伯(利雅特) Saudi Arabia(Riyadh)
沙地阿拉伯航空公司 Saudi Arabian Airlines
猪柳汉堡 Sausage McMuffin
猪柳蛋汉堡 Sausage McMuffin with Egg
使他们两夫妇不至于要坐牢 save the couple from being jailed
可省回六千一百万元人工开支 save up to HK$61 million in staff costs
帮了政府一把 saved the Government‘s skin
避免实时破产 saves somebody from immediate bankruptcy
卫星电视/卫视 satellite TV
满足读者的好奇心 satisfying readers‘ curiosity
饱和脂肪 saturated fat
沙特阿拉伯(利雅特) Saudi Arabia(Riyadh)
沙地阿拉伯航空公司 Saudi Arabian Airlines
猪柳汉堡 Sausage McMuffin
猪柳蛋汉堡 Sausage McMuffin with Egg
使他们两夫妇不至于要坐牢 save the couple from being jailed
可省回六千一百万元人工开支 save up to HK$61 million in staff costs
帮了政府一把 saved the Government‘s skin
避免实时破产 saves somebody from immediate bankruptcy
储蓄户口 savings account
储蓄利率 savings deposit rates
担心他的头号对手会在该区称霸 saw the danger that its arch rival might become the region‘s dominant player
饭前祈祷 say prayers before eating
指责党内核心成员打压少壮派 saying core members were trying to ostracise anyone not in the mainstream
表示他并不认为这代表华府政策有变 saying he did not think they signalled a reversal of Washington‘s policy
疥癣 scabies
棚架 scaffold
拆棚 scaffold dismantling
搭棚 scaffold erecting
搭棚工人 scaffold erector/builder
烫伤 scald (n)/(vi)(vt); scalds
用热烫斗烫她 scalded her with a hot iron
语气软化 scaled back its rhetoric
带子 scallop
手术刀 scalpel
卖黄牛票的人 scalper
骗局/骗人的把戏 scam/hoax/a put-on job
斯堪的纳维亚半岛 Scandinavia
北欧航空公司 Scandinavian Airlines System
衣着暴露的槟榔西施 scantily clad, roadside
几近全裸的女郎 scantily clothed women
疤 scar (n)/scarred (a); The
(加价)令乘客却步 scare off passengers
猩红热 scarlet fever/scarlatina
滥交的女人 scarlet woman
吓人的支出 scary costs
执拾纸皮箱或啤酒罐 scavenging cardboard boxes or beer cans
内地景点 scenic spots on the mainland
上演该节目和百万富翁对撼 scheduled the show at the same time as Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?