我们的选举工程还未完全开动。 Our electioneering machinery is not yet in full swing.
圣母医院 Our Lady of Maryknoll
我们最保守估计 our most conservative projection
迫走某人出局 oust somebody
伸手试探她是否仍有呼吸 out his hand to see if there was any breathing
落伍、过时 out of step with the times
外访旅行团 outbound package tour
户外广告 outdoor advertisements
户外广告板 outdoor advertising hoardings and billboards
外勤工作人员 outdoor staff
外胸膜 outer pleural membrane
外墙 outer walls
圣母医院 Our Lady of Maryknoll
我们最保守估计 our most conservative projection
迫走某人出局 oust somebody
伸手试探她是否仍有呼吸 out his hand to see if there was any breathing
落伍、过时 out of step with the times
外访旅行团 outbound package tour
户外广告 outdoor advertisements
户外广告板 outdoor advertising hoardings and billboards
外勤工作人员 outdoor staff
外胸膜 outer pleural membrane
外墙 outer walls
离岛 outlying island
离岛线 outlying island routes
庭外和解 out-of-court settlement (n); reach an out-of-court settlement
惊人的公众注意 outrageous publicity
外展社会工作队 outreaching social work team
外判非核心业务 outsourcing of non-core services
《一笔 out消》播影时段的三十秒广告费高达九十八万八千元charging advertisers as much as $988,000 for a 30-second slot for The Weakest Link
一笔 out消The Weakest Link
卵形窗 oval window
卵巢 ovary
足,担心受感染,决定集体辞职。 Over 90
过去几年,政府通过各项政策和措施,积极推动香港的经济转型。 Over the past few years, the Government has vigorously promoted economic restructuring through a broad range of policies and measures.
过去四分一世纪,珠江三角洲迅速发展成为蓬勃的生产基地,其中香港居功至伟。 Over the past quarter-century, Hong Kong played a pivotal role in the rapid development of the Pearl River Delta into a thriving manufacturing base.
过去二十年,中国经济增长迅速,人民生活质素大大改善。 Over the past two decades, China has made tremendous strides on economic front, which have brought enormous improvements to the material life of its people.
整体设计 overall design
整体经济增长 overall economic growth
整体坏帐拨备为二十亿七千万美元,较去年减少百分之二十一点四。 Overall provisions for bad debts fell 21.4 per cent to US$2.07 billion.
克服语言障碍 overcome the language barrier
服用过量的补充剂 overdid the supplements
(日本)过度扩张、抗拒改革的银行 overextended, reform-proof banks
过度放牧 overgraze
整顿企业文化 overhaul the corporate culture
架空电缆 overhead transmission lines
经常性开支 overheads
瘫痪堆填区 overload the landfills
过重书包 overloaded school bags
超载 overloading
通宵巴士 overnight bus
反应过度/反应过敏 overreact/over-reacting
海外邮递选票 overseas absentee ballots