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老人    old folks

从前经常互骂的对手    old sparring partner

旧约    Old Testament

旧患    old wounds

老人津贴    old-age allowance

油酸    oleic acid

奥运    Olympic

阿曼(马斯喀特)    Oman(Muscat)

申诉专员戴婉莹    Ombudsman Alice Tai Yuen-ying

申诉专员公署    Ombudsman, Office of The

,    on a narrow and overcrowded bridge

坐落台北市中心的黄金地段    on a prime piece of downtown Taipei real estate

在填海区    on a stretch of reclaimed land

参与为期三天的信息科技考察团    on a three-day information technology fact-finding mission

正在保释等候上诉    on bail pending appeal

值班    on duty

上周五,法庭把两名女儿的抚养权判予母亲,儿子的抚养权则判予父亲。    On Friday, a court awarded custody of the two girls to their mother and custody of the boy to his father.

乘搭首班直通两国的巴士    on historic cross-border bus ride

在人道立场上    on humanitarian grounds

一时冲动    on impulse

生。    On May 7, a China Northern MD-82

依照密宗的建议    on the advice of tantric

近乎疯狂    on the cusp of madness

领取救济金    on the dole

倒闭边缘    on the verge of collapse

从前写过党宣    once wrote propaganda for the Party

一旦入职,就永不用担心离职。    Once you get in, you‘ll never think about leaving.

肿瘤专科医师    oncologist

肿瘤学    oncology

陈吕向路旁的支持者挥手时遇袭。一颗子弹射中吕秀莲的右膝,另一颗擦过陈水扁的肚腩。    One bullet hit the right knee of Ms Lu and another grazed the belly of Mr Chen as they were waving to crowds of supporters lining the road.

其中一个最早获得广东省落地权的外国电视台    one of the first foreign broadcasters granted landing rights in Guangdong

世上最繁忙的购物区之一    one of the world‘s busiest shopping districts

己的配枪。    One shot has been fired into his right

「一校一社工」计划‘    One Social Worker for Each Secondary School‘ programme

一胎政策    one-child policy

(解雇员工时的)一个月代通知金    one-month exgratia payment

一次过撇帐    one-off write-off

单亲家庭    one-parent families/single-parent families

单程机票    one-way ticket

经济问题持续,可能会刺激香港的民主派更强烈地要求普选特首。    Ongoing economic problems would likely spur increasingly strident calls by Hong Kong‘s democracy advocates for a directly elected Chief Executive.

洋葱    Onion

网上购物人士    online shoppers/e-shoppers

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