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曼彻斯特    Manchester

华信航空公司    Mandarin Airlines

强制楼宇安全检验计划    Mandatory Building Safety Inspection Scheme

)    mandatory labelling of genetically modified (GM

强制性公积金计划    Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes

强积金管理局    Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority

锰    Manganese

红鱼由    Mangrove Snapper

躁郁症    manic-depressive psychosis

菲律宾综合指数    Manila Composite Index

于两场赛事中造马    manipulating the results of two races

个人电话理财服务    manned phonebanking services

制造业由成本高昂的地区迁移到成本低的地区。    Manufacturing industries have been able to relocate from high-cost to low-cost locations.

制造翻版影像光盘    manufacturing piratical copies of optical discs

宏利保险    Manulife

别无选择,只可以在家中等死。    Many

很多女生模仿歌星阵慧琳和郑秀文,晒黑皮肤,把头发梳成辫子。    Many are following the style of pop stars Kelly Chen Wai-lam and Sammi Cheng Sau-man by getting a suntan and a braid.

很多都濒临破产。    Many are near insolvency.

很多人都疑惑究竟所谓「钻石名单」是否能取得五席。    Many are wondering if the so-called "diamond list" of the pan-democratic group can grab five seats.

中国很多同性恋者都不敢公开自己的性倾向,怕遭人歧视。    Many gays in China shy away from revealing their sexual preference for fear of discrimination.

很多香港市民对董建华周三在施政报告里提出的措施感到失望。    Many Hong Kong people are disappointed with measures announced by Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa in Wednesday‘s policy address.

大部分指控都和怀疑敲诈曼哈顿一家无上装俱乐部有关。    Many of the charges stemmed from an alleged extortion scheme at the Manhattan topless club.

不少企业已具备对外投资能力。    Many of these enterprises are now capable of investing outside the Mainland.

市民生活仍然捉襟见肘。    Many people were still struggling to make ends meet.

很多淘大花园居民受感染。    Many residents of Amoy

很多所谓的爱国者只是用这个卷标来赚钱    many so-called patriots only use this label to make money

很多(地产商)希望政府取消勾地政策,恢复定期土地拍卖。    Many want the government to scrap the list system and resume regular land auctions.

很多游行人士挥动某份中文报纸附印的反对二十三条海报。    Many waved anti-Article 23 posters carried by a Chinese-language newspaper.

很多西方工人担心失业。    Many Western workers are worried about losing their jobs.

向某处游行示威    march on somewhere

由遮打花园游行至政府总部    marched from Chater Garden to government headquarters last night

由遮打花园游行到政府总部    marched from Chater Garden to the Central Government Offices

游行至中区政府合署    marched on Central Government Office

游行至美国驻香港大使馆    marched to the US Consulate General in Hong Kong

游行人士    marchers

由维多利亚公园游行至中环的政府总部    marching from Victoria Park to the government headquarters in Central

用枪指着叫嚷的难民,强迫他们登上卡车    marching screaming refugees at gunpoint and herding them on to trucks

吴霭仪    Margaret Ng Ngoi-yee

海事处    Marine Department

水警东区支部    marine east division

海上保险、海运保险、水险    marine insurance

水警轮    Marine Police craft/marine police launches

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