在家里自行烧录激光唱片 imprints their own CDs at home
处理食物不当 improper food handling
改善交通挤塞情况 improve congestion/curb traffic congestion
改善两岸关系 improve cross-strait relations
促进经济发展 improve economic development
改善国际形象 improve its international image
改善流动性 improve liquidity
改善民生 improve people‘s livelihoods
改善与大陆的关系 improve relations with the mainland
改善风险管理和公司管治 improve risk management and corporate governance
改善防火设施 improve safety
减低患消化管道癌症的危机 improve the odds against
处理食物不当 improper food handling
改善交通挤塞情况 improve congestion/curb traffic congestion
改善两岸关系 improve cross-strait relations
促进经济发展 improve economic development
改善国际形象 improve its international image
改善流动性 improve liquidity
改善民生 improve people‘s livelihoods
改善与大陆的关系 improve relations with the mainland
改善风险管理和公司管治 improve risk management and corporate governance
改善防火设施 improve safety
减低患消化管道癌症的危机 improve the odds against
改善香港工时过长的问题 improve the problem of long working hours in Hong Kong
改善基础教育的质素 improve the quality of basic education
建立更完善的问责制度 improve the system of accountability
改善中学和大专教育的衔接 improve the transition from secondary school to post-secondary education
改善他们的居住环境 improve their living conditions
改善生活质素 improve their quality of life
改善工人权益 improve workers‘ rights
新改良的防伪特征 improved security features
促进与中央的沟通 improved ties with Beijing
改善成本效益,并寻求私人资助 improving cost-effectiveness and seeking private donations
提高施政水平 improving governance
改善营商环境 improving our business environment
改善内地公司的监管制度 improving regulation of mainland companies
搞好行政立法关系 improving relations between the executive and the legislative
改善自我形象 improving self-image
改善工作表现 improving work performance
在中国社会,未婚怀孕是可耻的事。 In
在闭门审讯中 in a closed trial
陷于昏迷 in a coma
在一次自杀不遂的事件中 in a failed suicide attempt
在可行性研究报告里 in a feasibility study on the plan
出于自卫 in a reaction of self-defence
在一场可疑的火警中 in a suspicious fire/blaze
在最坏情况 in a worst-case scenario
为表达政府对是次事件的关注 in an effort to underline the Government‘s concern
在释法时 in an interpretation of the territory‘s constitution
在殖民地时代 in colonial times
情况危殆 in critical condition/in a
被扣押 in custody
超速十五公里 in excess of 15 km/h more than the limit