目不识丁 illiterate
第一台 iMac于九八年五月上市,刺激苹果计算机在接下来的两年股价上升了三倍。iMac共售出六百万台。The original iMac, which launched in May 1998, sparked a 400% Apple-stock surge during the next two years, and has sold more than 6 million units.
模仿色情影片中的女角 imitate actresses of
直属上司 immediate boss
实时豁免十八个贫穷国家的四百亿美元欠债 immediately cancels US$40 billion in debt owed by 18 nations
立即加息半厘 immediately lifting their lending and deposit rates by half a percentage point
美国移民归化局 Immigration and Naturalisation Service
入境事务处 Immigration Department
移民局官员 immigration officials
入境条例 Immigration Ordinance
移民政策 immigration policy
入境程序 immigration procedures
第一台 iMac于九八年五月上市,刺激苹果计算机在接下来的两年股价上升了三倍。iMac共售出六百万台。The original iMac, which launched in May 1998, sparked a 400% Apple-stock surge during the next two years, and has sold more than 6 million units.
模仿色情影片中的女角 imitate actresses of
直属上司 immediate boss
实时豁免十八个贫穷国家的四百亿美元欠债 immediately cancels US$40 billion in debt owed by 18 nations
立即加息半厘 immediately lifting their lending and deposit rates by half a percentage point
美国移民归化局 Immigration and Naturalisation Service
入境事务处 Immigration Department
移民局官员 immigration officials
入境条例 Immigration Ordinance
移民政策 immigration policy
入境程序 immigration procedures
免疫反应 immune response
免疫系统 immune system
抑制免疫力的药剂 immunosuppressants
僵局 impasse (sing); Negotiations seemed to have reached an impasse.
帝国主义 imperialism
实施专科教学 implement specialised teaching
在医院采取严格的防止感染措施 implement strict
在小学逐步实行全日制 implement whole-day primary schooling progressively
实行二十四小时通关 implementing 24-hour boundary crossing clearance
引伸波幅 implied volatility
进出口界 Import and Export
进口税 import duty
外劳 imported workers/imported labours
进出口公司 import-export company
设定最高赔偿金额 impose a ceiling on the maximum compensation amount
加剧美国和马来西亚两国之间的紧张关系 impose a severe new strain on Malaysia- US ties
若然中国政府不肯在今年内变动人民币汇率,其出口将会被征收重关税 impose hefty tariffs on Chinese exports if Beijing refuse to revalue this year
向某国实施贸易制裁 impose trade sanctions against somebody
采取更强硬的家居隔离政策 imposed
加强入口管制 imposed greater import
下隔离令 imposed the quarantine order
低用量用户获豁免加价 imposing a freeze for low-usage customers
急症室收费 imposing fees for emergency
(男性)性无能、不举 impotence (u)/impotent (a)
阳痿病人 impotent men
穷困的 impoverished
贫穷的内陆省份 impoverished interior provinces
在一名南韩妇女体内植入复制人胚胎 impregnated a South Korean woman with a cloned human embryo
易受影响的 impressionable
印象派油画 Impressionist arts