评估贪污程度 gauge the level of corruption activities
纱布 gauze
绷带卷 gauze roller bandage
让亚洲的声音受到国际社会重视 gave Asia a voice in the global arena
令中国政府在政改过程的开始和结束都有否决权 gave Beijing effective veto power at both ends of the reform process
展开追逐 gave chase
对民主派置诸不理 gave democrats short shrift
接受警方盘问时言词闪烁 gave evasive answers during
长者购物享有九折优惠 gave senior citizens a 10 per cent discount on their bills
赋予行政长官激活权 gave the chief executive the right to start the process
侧重商界利益 gave undue weight to the views of the influential business community
(法官用的)小木槌 gavel
纱布 gauze
绷带卷 gauze roller bandage
让亚洲的声音受到国际社会重视 gave Asia a voice in the global arena
令中国政府在政改过程的开始和结束都有否决权 gave Beijing effective veto power at both ends of the reform process
展开追逐 gave chase
对民主派置诸不理 gave democrats short shrift
接受警方盘问时言词闪烁 gave evasive answers during
长者购物享有九折优惠 gave senior citizens a 10 per cent discount on their bills
赋予行政长官激活权 gave the chief executive the right to start the process
侧重商界利益 gave undue weight to the views of the influential business community
(法官用的)小木槌 gavel
同性恋伴侣 gay couples
同性婚姻 gay marriage/same-sex marriages
同志刊物 gay newsletter
同性恋人权斗士 gay-rights activists
加萨地带 Gaza Strip
公布 gazette/communique/declaration; issue a communique
占 GDP不足百分之六constitutes less than 6 per cent of gross domestic product
日本艺妓人像 geisha portraits
基因诊断 gene diagnosis
基因疗法 gene therapy
基因改造海藻 gene-altered algae
中华人民共和国海关总署 General Administration of Customs of the R.P.C.
香港总商会 General Chamber of Commerce, HK
总法律顾问 general counsel
通用电器 General Electric
通用汽车 General Motors
国务院办公厅 General Office of the State Council
全科医生/全科医师 general practitioner
全国性罢工 general strike
总统蒋介石 Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek
代沟 generation gap
没有牌子的 generic
遗传病 genetic disorders
基因工程 genetic engineering
遗传的缺陷 genetic shortcomings
经基因改造的超级稻米 genetically engineered "super
基因改造食物/基因改造食品 genetically modified
遗传学家 geneticist
基因学家 geneticists
生殖部位 genital area