未有听从意见设定贫穷线 failed to heed calls to draw a poverty line
标准 failed to meet WHO requirements
未有在教育方面投入更多资源 failed to put more resources into education
化疗后病情未有改善 failed to respond to
未能维护司法独立 failed to safeguard judicial independence
未能在该事取得任何突破 failed to snare any breakthroughs on the issue
不出庭应讯 failed to turn up for her case at the court
不通过呼吸测试 failing a breath test
不符合安全标准 failing safety standards
没有告诉病人该药物的副作用 failing to
低估市场反应 failing to anticipate market reaction
未能为年青人创造就业机会 failing to create jobs for young people
标准 failed to meet WHO requirements
未有在教育方面投入更多资源 failed to put more resources into education
化疗后病情未有改善 failed to respond to
未能维护司法独立 failed to safeguard judicial independence
未能在该事取得任何突破 failed to snare any breakthroughs on the issue
不出庭应讯 failed to turn up for her case at the court
不通过呼吸测试 failing a breath test
不符合安全标准 failing safety standards
没有告诉病人该药物的副作用 failing to
低估市场反应 failing to anticipate market reaction
未能为年青人创造就业机会 failing to create jobs for young people
未有在加税前申报买车一事 failing to disclose his purchase of a new car ahead of tax increases
未能挑起政变 failing to inspire a coup d‘etat
未能关注市民诉求 failing to respect people‘s views
没有服足整个疗程的药 failing to take
未能连任 failing to win re-election
任何人士无合理解释而没有提供呼气样本,刑罚等同酒后驾驶,有关罪名一旦成立,最高刑罚为入狱三年和停牌两年。 Failure to provide a breath specimen without a reasonable excuse can result in three years‘ imprisonment and a driving ban of two years, the same for drink-driving.
宗教组织 faith groups
信仰 faith; His faith helped him get through a difficult period of his life.
假货 fake goods
伪钞 fake notes/counterfeit notes
铝窗飞堕并不是甚么新鲜事。 Falling aluminium window
跌出税网 falling outside the tax net
费卢杰 Fallujah
假学历 false credentials
(调包、顶替、顶包)假称自己是司机 falsely representing himself as the driver/stand in as the driver
伪造出勤纪录 falsified attendance records
伪造纪录,隐瞒殴打事件 falsified the records to
伪造纪录 falsifying records
伪造税务凭据 falsifying tax receipts
让学生熟习考试形式 familiarising their students with the tests‘ formats
家族企业 family concerns/family businesses/family-run organizations
家庭医生 family doctor
家连家精神健康教育计划 Family Link Mental Health
香港家庭计划指导会(家计会) Family Planning
家庭问题 family problems
家庭服务中心 Family Services Centre
家庭惨剧/伦常惨剧 family tragedies
名画 famous pictures
粉锦公路 Fan Kam Road
分流 Fan Lau