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香港新闻工作者从业词典    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
学院院长、系主任、训导长、教务长    dean

死囚的牢房    death row

崩溃、大失败    debacle

贬抑    debase

讨论时事    debate of topical issues

辩论对财政司司长梁锦松的不信任动议    debates a no-confidence motion on Financial Secretary Antony Leung Kam-chung

(穿梭机)碎片    debris

收数佬/追债的人    debt collectors

还债能力    debt payback ability

因欠债十万元,走上自杀和谋杀不归路。    Debts of

无咖啡因的    decaffeinated/caffeine free

德干高原    Deccan

决定下一部行动    decide on the next course of action

决定不报警    decided not to report it to police

决定(跨区)转往港岛区参选    decided to switch to the Hong Kong Island constituency

大量毁灭    decimate(vt); The rabbit population was decimated by the disease.

宣布和谈破裂    declare the peace process dead

来港时申报健康状况    declare their health status when they arrive in Hong Kong

派发末期息一角    declared a final dividend of 10 HK cents

不让传媒报道是次军事行动的细节    declared a news blackout on details of military operations

有申报买车    declared his interest in buying a new car

在行政会议上申报买车    declared his own recent car purchase at the Executive Council meeting

宣布戒严    declared martial law

称巴勒斯坦自治政府主席阿拉法为以色列的敌人    declared the Palestinian leader an enemy of Isreal

楼宇和股票成交惨淡    decline in property and stock transactions

(股价)下跌(名词)    decline/drop/fall/head south/lose ground/retreat/slide (v)

(股价)下跌(动词)    decline/drop/fall/retreat/slide (n)

谢绝一切访问    declined all requests for interviews

不愿置评/拒绝评论    declined comment

拒绝接受援助    declined help

拒绝落实施行时间    declined to commit to a timetable

拒绝估计上诉结果/拒绝揣测上诉结果    declined to speculate on the outcome of the appeal

拒绝向时代杂志透露会否一定继承父亲衣钵    declined to tell Time if he‘ll definitely take his father‘s throne

拒绝揣测中国动机    declining to speculate on China‘s motive

药汁/煲药的药/煎药的药    decoction

解开人类基因组内容    decode the human genome

已退役的青衣发电厂    decommissioned Tsing Yi Power Station

装修工人    decorators/decoration workers

减低患结肠癌的危机    decrease the risk

塞的机率    decreases the reblockage of coronary

宣布外资不得介入中国的网络公司    decreed that no foreign investment will be allowed in Chinese Internet companies

谴责屠杀事件    decrying the killings

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