集资活动 capital-raising exercise
投降 capitulation
(指船等)翻覆 capsize
胶囊 capsule
圈养繁殖/人工繁殖 captive breeding
捉拿者 captors
捉拿拉登 capture bin Laden
风摩数以百万计儿童 captured the hearts of millions of children
车牌 car plate
买车丑闻 car purchase controversy
(钻石)卡 carat
碳水化合物 carbohydrate
投降 capitulation
(指船等)翻覆 capsize
胶囊 capsule
圈养繁殖/人工繁殖 captive breeding
捉拿者 captors
捉拿拉登 capture bin Laden
风摩数以百万计儿童 captured the hearts of millions of children
车牌 car plate
买车丑闻 car purchase controversy
(钻石)卡 carat
碳水化合物 carbohydrate
动物尸体 carcass
信用卡公司 card companies
纸皮箱 cardboard box
心搏周期 cardiac cycle
心肌 cardiac muscles
贲门括约肌 cardiac sphincter
胡振中枢机 Cardinal John Baptist Wu Cheng-chung
枢机主教拉青格 Cardinal Ratzinger, dean of the College of Cardinals
心脏专科医师 cardiologist
心脏科/血液科 Cardiology/Hematology
心肺功能测试 cardiorespiratory fitness tests
心血管疾病/心血管病 cardiovascular
心血管系统 cardiovascular system
护理安老院 care-and-attention home
职业女性 career women
铲上安全岛 careered on to a traffic island
爱抚 caress (n)/(vt); To caress
看更 caretakers
货机 cargo freighter/cargo plane
货柜处理附加费 cargo-handling surcharge
加勒比海 Caribbean Sea
(专门讽刺政治人物的)政治漫画家 caricaturist
明爱卖物会 Caritas Bazaar
明爱医院 Caritas Medical Centre
类胡萝卜素 carotenoids
车房 carport
家乐福超级市场 Carrefour hypermarket???
拿走一叠叠一文不值的钞票 carried away wads of the near-worthless cash
进行例行检查 carried out a routine
进行了无数的科学实验 carried out numerous scientific experiments