克里姆林宫 the Kremlin
国亲联盟 the Kuomintang-People First Party coalition/the KMT-PFP alliance
吉尔吉斯的政府已告瘫痪。 The Kyrgyzstan government has become paralysed
劳工顾问委员会 the Labour Advisory Board
就业市场有改善 the labour market was improving
缺乏普选时间表 the lack of a timetable for achieving universal suffrage
缺乏适婚年龄的女性 the lack of girls
不知道和黄何时会配售股份 the lack of information about when Hutchison would make the placement
新一届国会缺乏反对声音 the lack of opposition voices in the new parliament
缺乏性知识 the lack of sex knowledge
女厕 the Ladies
卖地成绩 the land auction result
国亲联盟 the Kuomintang-People First Party coalition/the KMT-PFP alliance
吉尔吉斯的政府已告瘫痪。 The Kyrgyzstan government has become paralysed
劳工顾问委员会 the Labour Advisory Board
就业市场有改善 the labour market was improving
缺乏普选时间表 the lack of a timetable for achieving universal suffrage
缺乏适婚年龄的女性 the lack of girls
不知道和黄何时会配售股份 the lack of information about when Hutchison would make the placement
新一届国会缺乏反对声音 the lack of opposition voices in the new parliament
缺乏性知识 the lack of sex knowledge
女厕 the Ladies
卖地成绩 the land auction result
卖地对二手市场交投只会有轻微影响。 The land auction would have only a limited effect on secondary property transactions.
土地成本和其它开支 the land costs and other expenses
卖地制度 the land-sale system
切线问题引致公主道大塞车约一小时,其间车龙延伸至忠民街。 The lane-cutting caused jams on Princess Margaret Road, stretching as far back as Chung Man Street, for about an hour.
黄金熟食档 the largest and most prominent fast-food stall
最后一批游行人士于九时过后才抵达中环政府总部。 The last batch of protesters arrived at Central Government Offices shortly after 9pm.
最新的注入资产计划 the latest asset injection plan
本地圣诞截邮日期 the latest date for posting Christmas mail for local delivery
香港的治安稳定。 The law-and-order situation was
物理定律 the laws of physics
第一号杀手 the leading killer
合法妻子(相对二奶而言) the legal wife
立法会选举过程出现连串错误。 The Legco election saw a string of errors.
立法会复会。 The Legislative Council reconvened after the summer recess.
基本法的立法原意 the legislative intent of the Basic Law
基本法的立法原意明确,故无须释法。 The legislative intent of the Basic Law was clear and there was no need for an interpretation.
立法程序 the legislative process
立法时间表 the legislative timetable
沙士的教训 the lessons learned from
根据美国安全标准。 The level is based on United State‘s standards.
公众对方案的反对程度 the level of public opposition to its proposals
市民对政府满意程度 the level of public satisfaction with the Government‘s performance
预期自由党会在下届立法会得到十一至十二席,成为最大党。民建联得十席次之。 The Liberal Party is expected to get about 11 to 12 seats in the next Legco as the largest faction, followed by the DAB with about 10 votes.
用以维持生命的机器 the life support
香港人寿保险从业员协会 The Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong Limited
楼宇按揭上限将由楼价七成放宽至八成半。 The limit on mortgage borrowing will rise from 70 per cent to 85 per cent of a property‘s value.
名单显示共产党领导层将来一次大换班,年老的一辈退下来。 The list appears to show the ruling party is set for a major clearout of its elderly leadership.
会在十二月十六日如期上市。 The listing would go ahead as scheduled on December 16.
本地银行系统 the local banking system
物流业可充分发挥香港的既有优势,创造大量的就业机会。 The logistics industry can bring our existing advantages into full play and create many jobs.