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减少和消灭财赤的目标    the goal of reducing and eliminating the deficit

黄金年代    the golden era

案,平均罚款五千元。    The Government

香港法律并不承认同性婚姻。    The government does not legally recognise same-sex marriages.

政府决定延长超低硫柴油税优惠至明年十二月,以减轻运输业因油价上升所带来的负担。    The government has decided to extend the duty concession for ultra-low-sulfur diesel until December next year in an attempt to ease the burden of soaring oil prices on the transport industry.

政府坚持单一招标该大型项目。    The government has insisted that the massive project be awarded to just one winning bidder.

政府希望在不大影响股市的情况下,出售大部分手持的股票。    The Government has said it wants to offload most of its holdings in a manner that would cause least disruption to the stock market.

政府定下目标,于二零零七至二零零八学年全面推行全日制小学。    The Government has set the target for full implementation of whole-day primary schooling for 2007/2008.

经济依然低迷,政府续向中电和港灯施压,要求他们冻结加价。    The government has stepped up pressure on CLP Power and Hongkong Electric to freeze tariffs as the economic downturn continues to bite.

政府网页    the government Home Page

政府激起民愤。    The government incites the anger of the people.

预期政府将会下调今年的经济增长预测。    The government is expected to downgrade its forecast for economic growth this year.

政府必须承认其卖地政策有需要改革的地方。    The government must also recognise the need for further reform of its land-sale policy.

政府从来没有拒绝马英九来港的签证申请。    The government never rejected Taipei Mayor Ma Ying-joue‘s visa application to visit Hong Kong.

政府估计(乐园建成后的)第二年起可达收支平衡。    The Government projected recurrent revenue would be able to cover recurrent expenditure from the second year.

政府最近上调本年的本地生产总值增长预测至百分之七。    The government recently revised upwards its forecast for gross domestic product growth this year to 7 per cent.

政府应容许的士司机当八号风球一悬挂,就可以收取双倍车费。    The Government should allow drivers to double meter fares once the No 8 signal has been hoisted.

政府应更主动地鼓励失业人士寻找工作。    The government should be more proactive in encouraging the unemployed to look for jobs.

政府应听取民意,不再填海。    The government should listen to the voice of the people and halt any further reclamation.

政府还欠一票。    The Government side was a vote short.

特区政府入禀请求终审法院就港人内地子女居留权判词中具争议性的部分作出澄清,以防触发宪制危机。    The Government will ask the Court of Final Appeal to clarify its controversial ruling on the right of abode in a move aimed at ending the constitutional crisis.

政府若再漠视民意,实是愚不可及。    The government will be stupid if it keeps refusing to listen to the people.

政府会在明年夏天前为全港猪只注射疫苗,预防可以致命的日本脑炎。    The government would vaccinate all of Hong Kong‘s pigs before next summer to guard against the potentially fatal disease Japanese encephalitis.

政府入市干预    the Government‘s market intervention

政府政策是以铁路为公共交通系统的骨干。    The government‘s policy is to develop railways as the backbone of our public transport system.

停建核四    the Government‘s scrapping of the island‘s fourth nuclear power plant

大紫荆勋章    the Grand Bauhinia Model

人民大会堂    the Great Hall of the People

「伟大的舵手」    the Great Helmsman

民主派人士鼎力支持    the great support of many democratic forces

最大的可供出租面积    the greatest possible amount of leasable square footage

主办单位要求立即和董建华对话,促请他搁置为国家安全条例立法,并加快民主进程。    The group demanded an immediate dialogue with Mr Tung and urged him to shelve the controversial national security legislation and speed up democratic development.

八国领袖    the Group of Eight leaders

集团短期内会出售更多物业。    The group will sell more properties in the near future.

团体共收集到超过三万个签名支持全民普选特首。    The groups collected more than 30000 signatures in favour of universal suffrage.

港美息差进一步拉阔    the growing differences between Hong Kong and United States interest rates

游击队员向我们开火。    The guerrillas opened fire on us.

要真正拔出来的头发。    The hairs literally have to be

恒生指数昨日创下历来单日第二大跌幅,亚洲各地股市亦全面大挫。    The Hang Seng Index suffered its second-largest points fall yesterday as stock markets plunged across Asia.

净化海港计划    The Harbour Area Treatment Scheme

共建维港委员会    the Harbourfront Enhancement Committee

哈里波特现象    the Harry Potter phenomenon

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