敏感话题 sensitive topics
感觉区 sensory area
感觉神经元 sensory neurone
发电报祝贺 sent a congratulatory telegram
把他们送往集中营 sent them to concentration camps
未经法庭聆讯就可以判处娼妓和嫖客劳教 sentence prostitutes and their patrons to labour re-education without a court trial
判三名内地人死刑 sentencing three mainlanders to death
法庭定于七月八日判刑。 Sentencing was scheduled for July 8.
南韩综合指数 Seoul Composite Index
实行医药分家 separate drug dispensing from medical
车臣回教分离主义者 separatist Muslims in Chechnya
塞尔维亚 Serbia
感觉区 sensory area
感觉神经元 sensory neurone
发电报祝贺 sent a congratulatory telegram
把他们送往集中营 sent them to concentration camps
未经法庭聆讯就可以判处娼妓和嫖客劳教 sentence prostitutes and their patrons to labour re-education without a court trial
判三名内地人死刑 sentencing three mainlanders to death
法庭定于七月八日判刑。 Sentencing was scheduled for July 8.
南韩综合指数 Seoul Composite Index
实行医药分家 separate drug dispensing from medical
车臣回教分离主义者 separatist Muslims in Chechnya
塞尔维亚 Serbia
警长 sergeant
连环杀手 serial killer
将慎重考虑该提议 serious consideration would be given to the proposal
重大的医疗失误 serious medical errors
血清 serum
受感化令或社会服务令 serve a probation order or community service
去留堂 served her detention
服务器/服务器 server
供应上等傣族佳肴 serves up top-notch Dai food
服务质素 service quality
佩枪 service revolver
服务对象 service users/target group
机场快线加密班次,电车和缆车也延长服务时间至清晨。 Services on the MTR Airport Express were strengthened while Hongkong Tramways and the Peak Tram extended services into early morning.
现职教师/现役教师/在职教师 serving teachers
放下分歧 set aside their differences
焚烧和践踏日本国旗 set fire to Japanese flags and trampled on them
释放知名异见人士 set free a prominent dissident
自焚 set himself on fire/setting themselves alight
成立专责小组调查选举前夕的神秘总统枪击案 set up a
成立重量级国际顾问委员会 set up a Council of International Advisers
与迪士尼合组联营公司 set up a joint venture with Disney
成立一条电话热线解答如何使用该种新药 set up a telephone hotline answering queries on the use of the new drug
设立上诉程序 set up an appeal procedure
设立示威区 set up an area for protesters
在楼宇外放置紧急逃生垫 set up emergency air
在内地金屋藏娇 set up home with mistresses on the
成立个体户 set up individually owned stores
在香港设立办公室/办事处 set up offices in Hong Kong
把底价定得太高 setting base prices too high
烧尸 setting her body alight