承担法律费用 shoulder the legal fees
寿臣山 Shouson Hill
互相辱骂 shouting insults at each other
大讲粗口 shouting obscenities
推 shoved
显示他非常缺乏政治智能 show considerable political naivete
有食物中毒迹象 show food-poisoning symptoms
保持克制 show self-restraint
有…的症状 show symptoms of……
向全世界显示香港已从沙士反弹过来 show the world
突显他们的个性 show their individuality
展示古时清酒酿造方法 showcase ancient sakemaking methods
寿臣山 Shouson Hill
互相辱骂 shouting insults at each other
大讲粗口 shouting obscenities
推 shoved
显示他非常缺乏政治智能 show considerable political naivete
有食物中毒迹象 show food-poisoning symptoms
保持克制 show self-restraint
有…的症状 show symptoms of……
向全世界显示香港已从沙士反弹过来 show the world
突显他们的个性 show their individuality
展示古时清酒酿造方法 showcase ancient sakemaking methods
显示拉票活动有助增加投票率 showed canvassing had succeeded in boosting votes
二恶荚含量合乎安全标准/没有超标 showed no excessive
在洛杉矶联邦法院出庭 showed up in federal court in L.A.
互相盛赞对方 showered each other with compliments
露出一点乳沟 showing a little bit of cleavage
有非典型肺炎病征 showing Sars symptoms
有沙士病征 showing Sars-like symptoms
反映某人缺乏领导才能 shows the lack of leadership of somebody
炸弹或炮弹炸开后的弹片 shrapnel
树仁学院 Shue Yan College
信德船务 Shun Tak Shipping
拒绝了某人的出价 shunned somebody‘s offer
封杀网站和网上聊天室 shut down websites and internet chatrooms
所有学校停课 shutting all schools
穿梭巴士 shuttle buses
穿梭外交 shuttle diplomacy
连体婴 Siamese twins
四川航空 Sichuan Airlines
四川省林业厅 Sichuan Forestry Department
西西里岛 Sicily
病假纸 sick-leave certificates
回避某间题 sidestep a question about something
暹粒航空公司 Siem Reap Airways
佛洛伊德 Sigmund Freud
签署《清新空气约章》,承诺采取行动减少废气排放 sign a clean-air charter pledging to take action to reduce emissions
签两年合约 sign a two-year contract
签同意书 sign consent form
暗示台湾总统不应举行公投 signaling that Taiwan‘s President should not move ahead with the referendum
联署反对薪酬和公务员脱钩 signed a joint statement opposing the delinking of their pay scale with civil servants
签下授权协议 signed licensing agreements