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上海撤销对香港旅客的隔离令    Shanghai

上海航空    Shanghai Airlines

白菜    Shanghai Bok Choi

上海商业银行    Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd.

上海房地产开发商周正毅    Shanghai real estate developer Zhou Zhengyi

上海街    Shanghai Street

外交部法律顾问兼前基本法草委邵天任    Shao Tianren, a legal adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a mainland drafter of the Basic Law

十八乡乡事委员会主席    Shap Pat Heung Rural Committee chairman

设计一套刺激经济方案    shape a stimulus package

与市民共渡时艰    share the hard times with the community

和他大被同眠    shared a bed with him

他们的共同政纲是支持零七年普选特首,零八年普选立法会    shared a common platform in support of universal suffrage to elect the chief executive in 2007 and the entire legislature in 2008

操纵股价    share-price rigging

新股市联交所创业板昨日正式开锣,首两只挂牌股票股价较招股价大幅攀升八成。    Shares in the first two companies to list on the Growth Enterprise Market - the new second stock market - surged up to 80 per cent over their initial sale price in the first day of trade yesterday.

跨国银行集团汇丰控股今日上升百分之一点三,汇丰将于下周一公布二千年业绩。    Shares of global banking giant HSBC were up 1.3 per cent on the day and the year at $117 ahead of the release on Monday of its 2000 earnings.

共享针筒/共享针头    sharing dirty needles

共享针筒    sharing needles

吸毒者共享针筒    sharing of needles by

鱼翅    shark‘s fin soup

大大增加向大部分小存户收取的费用    sharply increase charges imposed on most small depositors

破坏附近停泊的车辆,并引起火警    shattering nearby vehicles and causing fires

筲箕湾    Shau Kei Wan

她同时就醉酒驾驶罪判他入鸾二十四个月,但同期执行。    She also jailed him for 24 months on the drink-driving charge but ordered that the terms be served concurrently.

她并称原来的建议已很宽松,今次是澄清,不是让步。    She also said the original proposals had been liberal, and called the changes clarifications rather than concessions.

她以每股五元七角的价钱购入三万股电盈,但她说预期今年内都难以回本。    She bought 30,000 PCCW shares at $5.70, but said she did not expect them to return to that level for years.

孕套。    She conceded many women were

败,她最后不治逝世。    She died after

她预期男童可以完全康复。    She expected

一九八九年后她大部分时间都被软禁。    She has spent most of the years since 1989 under house arrest.

她正在深切治疗部接受隔离,情况稳定。    She is in

她在九九年的区议会选举中败阵。    She lost her bid for a seat in the 1999 district polls.

她表示正享受退休生活,无意参选。    She said she was enjoying retirement and had no plan to join the race.

她说星期二的游行正好警告政府无论如何都不能漠视民意。    She said Tuesday‘s protest was an important reminder that Government could not afford to ignore public opinion.

(胡仙)全数售出所持的星岛股权予一投资银行,套现二亿七千万元偿还债务。    She sold her entire stake in Sing Tao Holdings to an investment bank to pay off debts of $270 million.

受强力胡椒喷雾影响,她的左眼短暂失明。    She suffered a temporary loss of sight in her left eye as a result of the strong pepper spray.

她头盖骨多处受创。    She suffered multiple fractures to her skull.

她的病不会传染别人。预期她可以完全康复。    She was

急症室医生着她离开。    She was

的孩子不利。    She was also cowed into

她上周四被法庭裁定一项意图使用文件欺骗主事人罪成。    She was found guilty after trial last Thursday after one count of using a document with intent to deceive the Government.

她被打得连扫帚柄都断了。    She was hit so hard the brush snapped.

她已怀孕七个月。    She was seven months

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