难民收容营 refugee reception camp
难民身份 refugee status
难民拘留所 refugee-detention centre
难民涌往阿尔巴尼亚 refugees poured across the border into Albania
翻新 refurbishment
垃圾收集站 refuse collection points
拒绝与香港的民选代表直接对话 refuse direct dialogue with Hong Kong‘s elected representatives
拒绝估计胜诉机会 refuse to predict the chances of winning the case
拒绝解除武装 refuse to surrender their weapons
拒绝接受任何政党支持,却轻松胜选 refused all party endorsements, yet won handily
拒绝让四百六十名难民入境 refused entry to 460 refugees
拒绝求医 refused medication
难民身份 refugee status
难民拘留所 refugee-detention centre
难民涌往阿尔巴尼亚 refugees poured across the border into Albania
翻新 refurbishment
垃圾收集站 refuse collection points
拒绝与香港的民选代表直接对话 refuse direct dialogue with Hong Kong‘s elected representatives
拒绝估计胜诉机会 refuse to predict the chances of winning the case
拒绝解除武装 refuse to surrender their weapons
拒绝接受任何政党支持,却轻松胜选 refused all party endorsements, yet won handily
拒绝让四百六十名难民入境 refused entry to 460 refugees
拒绝求医 refused medication
拒绝某人内进 refused somebody entry
不许医生使用该个肝脏进行移植手术 refused the
拒绝捐出过世亲属的器官 refused to
拒绝对入境旅客作身体检查,筛选受感染人士 refused to
拒绝入院 refused to be admitted to
拒绝搬离大澳 refused to be rehoused outside Tai O
拒绝爬回楼宇内 refused to climb back
拒绝就个别事件评论 refused to comment on an individual case
拒绝透露(火车)票价 refused to disclose the train fares
不肯验血 refused to have a blood test
拒绝立即表态支持 refused to pledge support immediately
拒绝发表白纸草案 refused to publish a white bill
拒绝承诺不再裁员 refused to rule out further job losses/refused to promise there would be no more redundancies
拒绝揣测某人动机 refused to speculate on somebody‘s motives
拒绝在审判中出庭作证 refused to testify at his trial
不接受一中原则 refuses to accept the one-China principle
为免示弱,拒绝在公众场合戴上口罩 refuses to show
拒绝接受任何媒体访问 refusing all media interviews
拒绝出席公开论坛 refusing to attend open forums
拒绝撤回下年举行的富争议性的公投计划 refusing to back away from a controversial plan to hold a referendum next year
再生资源 regenerative resources
养生之道/食疗法 regime/regimen
登记做选民 register as voters
注册中医师 registered Chinese medicine
注册药剂师 registered pharmacists
(大学)教务长 registrar
公司注册处处长钟悟思 Registrar of Companies Mr Gordon Jones
选举事务处 Registration & Electoral Office
常客 regular customers
定期自我检查 regular self-examinations