重过正常生活 resume his normal life
恢复其城大的教职 resume his teaching post at City University
恢复勾地 resume land sales/a resumption of land sales
恢复定期卖地政策 resume regular land auctions
恢复提供援助 resume the suspended aid
恢复交易 resumed trading
昨天恢复买卖 resumed trading yesterday
长远经济增长复苏 resumption of long-term economic growth
复活 Resurrection
使苏醒 resuscitation (n)/resuscitate
零售价 retail price
零售股 retail stocks
恢复其城大的教职 resume his teaching post at City University
恢复勾地 resume land sales/a resumption of land sales
恢复定期卖地政策 resume regular land auctions
恢复提供援助 resume the suspended aid
恢复交易 resumed trading
昨天恢复买卖 resumed trading yesterday
长远经济增长复苏 resumption of long-term economic growth
复活 Resurrection
使苏醒 resuscitation (n)/resuscitate
零售价 retail price
零售股 retail stocks
零售店都渴望有新产品刺激销售。 Retail stores are clamouring for something new to stimulate sales.
散户/零售投资者 retailer investors/ordinary investors/retail investors/small shareholders
保持竞争优势 retain its competitive edge
维持前线的受欢迎程度 retain The Frontier‘s popularity
保留现有的选举制度 retain the present electoral systems
挡土墙/护土墙(防山泥倾泻) retaining
维持两岸关系不变 retaining the "status quo" in the Taiwan Strait
报复 retaliation
阻碍学童心智发育和人际关系的发展 retarding their mental maturity and stunting their social skills
作呕 retch
视网膜 retina
退休官员 retired officials
退休人士 retired people/retirees
退休警察 retired policemen
退休高官 retired senior officials
巡视救人路线 retrace the rescue route
收回(证词) retract(vt); He confessed to the murder but later retracted his statement./retract my words
撤回承认失败 retracted his concession
再培训 retraining
复古时装 retro fashion
回头路 retrograde steps
回复零利率政策 return to its zero-interest-rate policy
来回车票、来回机票 return/return ticket/round-trip ticket(AmE)
再度被选为立法会议员 returned to the new legislature
以一人一票的方式选出总统 returning its president by "one man, one vote"
还富于民 returning wealth to the people
和家人重聚 reunited with his family
(被释放后)与家人重聚 reunited with their families
路透社(英) Reuters
改变汇价 revalue its currency