计划离婚 planning a divorce
准备空投物资救济阿富汗难民 planning air drops of supplies to refugees in Afghanistan
规划署 Planning Department
政府为打击超速驾驶,推出的新苛刻扣分方案,遭职业司机反对。 Plans to combat speeding by imposing harsher punishment have drawn opposition from the commercial sector.
计划在九月廿六日于主板上市 plans to list on the main board on September 26
计划退休后继续在幕后操纵/垂帘听政 plans to pull the strings in retirement
在被带走前插上中国国旗 plant Chinese flags before being hauled away
植物药品 plant-based pharmaceuticals
放置了一枚炸弹 planted a bomb
血浆 plasma
血蛋白 plasma proteins
电浆电视 plasma TV
准备空投物资救济阿富汗难民 planning air drops of supplies to refugees in Afghanistan
规划署 Planning Department
政府为打击超速驾驶,推出的新苛刻扣分方案,遭职业司机反对。 Plans to combat speeding by imposing harsher punishment have drawn opposition from the commercial sector.
计划在九月廿六日于主板上市 plans to list on the main board on September 26
计划退休后继续在幕后操纵/垂帘听政 plans to pull the strings in retirement
在被带走前插上中国国旗 plant Chinese flags before being hauled away
植物药品 plant-based pharmaceuticals
放置了一枚炸弹 planted a bomb
血浆 plasma
血蛋白 plasma proteins
电浆电视 plasma TV
膏药 plaster
伊朗高原 Plateau of Iran
血小板 platelets
政纲 platform(n); They are campaigning on an anti-immigration platform./They fought the election on a platform of low taxes./He‘s running for mayor on a platform of low taxation.
贬低党内冲突 play down the discord within the party
贬低杨医生的任命的行政重要性 played down the political significance of Dr Yeoh‘s appointment
玩朴克牌 playing cards
玩计算机游戏 playing computer games
玩俄罗斯轮盘 playing Russian roulette
(婴儿)网床、游戏围栏 playpen
智乐儿童游乐场协会 Playright Children‘s Playground Association
寻求捐肝人士 plead for a liver donor
呼吁大型企业和员工分享成果 pleaded for large corporations to share their gains with workers
于二月十一日承认六项控罪,控罪指他以公务员身分收受利益 pleaded guilty on February 11 to six counts of accepting an advantage as a public servant
承认某罪 pleaded guilty to something
承认两项非法性交罪 pleaded guilty to two charges of unlawful sexual intercourse
不认罪 pleaded not guilty
呼吁基督徒不要报复 pleaded with Christians to avoid seeking vengeance
恳求他不要指证自己 pleaded with him not to give evidence against him
逝要结束恐怖主义 pledge an end to terrorism
承诺会彻查事件 pledged a thorough investigation
保证所有学生都有书读 pledged no student would be denied education
誓与伊拉克同仇敌忾 pledged solidarity with the Iraqis
承诺会支持 pledged their support
承诺会多听取公众意见 pledged to listen more to the public
全体会议 plenary session
胸膜液 pleural fluid
傀儡政府 pliant government
船湾淡水湖 Plover Cove Reservoir
采摘植物 plucked a plant