警察在主要路口指挥交通。 Police directed traffic at main intersections.
警犭 police dog
警方较早前表示场地最多只可容纳一万人。 Police had earlier said the area could accommodate 10,000 people at most.
警方将事件列为虐儿案。 Police have
发言人表示警方会继续调查。 Police investigations
警方对某人/某物严密监视 Police kept a watchful eye
警员进行逐家逐户调查。 Police mounted
警方谈判专家 police negotiator
警方疏散商场内约二百人。 Police ordered about 200 people out of a shopping centre.
庭警为救护车开路。 Police outriders
警察公共关系科 Police Public Relations
警方估计游行人数有数千 police put the crowd at a few thousand
警犭 police dog
警方较早前表示场地最多只可容纳一万人。 Police had earlier said the area could accommodate 10,000 people at most.
警方将事件列为虐儿案。 Police have
发言人表示警方会继续调查。 Police investigations
警方对某人/某物严密监视 Police kept a watchful eye
警员进行逐家逐户调查。 Police mounted
警方谈判专家 police negotiator
警方疏散商场内约二百人。 Police ordered about 200 people out of a shopping centre.
庭警为救护车开路。 Police outriders
警察公共关系科 Police Public Relations
警方估计游行人数有数千 police put the crowd at a few thousand
死者一些随身对象以助查案。 Police removed a
警讯 Police Report
警方估计有约二万五千人参与示威,工会领袖则表示有逾三万五千人参与。 Police said about 25,000 civil servants joined the protest while unionists claimed more than 35,000 took part.
酒店。 Police said the scaffolding on
警方说事件无可疑。 Police said there was no
警方昨日无法录口供。 Police were unable to take a
施政报告 Policy Address
保单周年日 policy anniversary date
姑息政策 policy of appeasement
制订政策的人 policymaker
小儿麻痹症 polio/poliomyelitis
政治娱乐 poli-tainment
时事评论员 political affairs commentator/current affairs commentator
政治任命官员 political appointees
政治本钱 political capital
政治漫画 political comics
政治顾问 political consultants
政治危机/管治危机 political crisis
政治事件 political events
政治人物 political figures
政治噱头 political gimmick
政治内讧、权力斗争 political infighting
政治领袖 political leaders
政治倾向/政治取向 political leanings
政治中立 political neutrality/politically unbiased
政治迫害 political persecution
政治压力 political pressure
政治犯 political prisoners
政治改革/政制改革/政改 political reform
政改讨论 political reform debates