浪茄湾 Long Ke Wan
塱原 Long Valley
龙运巴士有限公司 Long Win Bus Co. Ltd.
过长工时 long working hours/work very long hours
寿命 longevity (u); the longevity of the rabbit
长途旅行 long-haul travel
长程预报雷达 long-range radar system
稳定的长工 long-term and stable jobs
长期护理宿位 long-term care places
长远房屋策略 Long-Term Housing Strategy
长线投资者 long-term investors
长远卖地政策 long-term plans for land sales
塱原 Long Valley
龙运巴士有限公司 Long Win Bus Co. Ltd.
过长工时 long working hours/work very long hours
寿命 longevity (u); the longevity of the rabbit
长途旅行 long-haul travel
长程预报雷达 long-range radar system
稳定的长工 long-term and stable jobs
长期护理宿位 long-term care places
长远房屋策略 Long-Term Housing Strategy
长线投资者 long-term investors
长远卖地政策 long-term plans for land sales
长期社会投资 long-term social investment
长期食用有损肝肾。 Long-time exposure can lead to
长期失业人士 long-time job-seekers
长期居民/老街坊 long-time resident
寻找资金 look for sources of capital
研究如何防止类似事件在未来重演 look into how to prevent such problems being repeated in the future
望窗外的绿色植物 look out a window at some greenery
看似没有危险 look quite innocuous
聆讯期间看来焦虑不安 looked anxious throughout the proceedings
面容苍白而憔悴 looking exhausted and
寻找风险较低的投资工具 looking for less risky investments
寻找新的收入来源 looking for new sources of revenue
把他们看成落后民族 looks at them as backward
洗劫 loot (vi)(vt); Shops were looted and
洛杉矶 Los Angeles
洛杉矶时报 Los Angeles Times
和外面的世界完全脱节 lose all grasp on the outside world
对政府失去信心 lose confidence in the Government
失去终身就业保障 lose cradle-to-grave employment
流失好学生 lose their high-quality students
失去子女抚养权 losing a custody battle for his
失去品牌忠诚度 losing brand loyalties
他们的屋宇安全不再豁免监管 losing the privilege that exempts their homes from building safety checks
招徕性商品/特价商品 loss leader; supermarkets sometimes sell top brands below cost as loss leaders
去年亏损收窄百分之十五,至一千二百六十万美元。 Losses narrowed 15% last year, to $12.6 million.
左眼视力受损八成 lost 80 per cent of the sight in
和全世界隔绝 lost contact with the
(汽车)失控 lost control
上诉要求减刑败诉 lost her appeal against the length of her sentence
了一条腿 lost her leg to frostbite