肯尼亚航空公司 Kenya Airways
肯尼亚/肯雅(内罗毕/奈罗比) Kenya(Nairobi)
保持低调 kept a low profile/maintained a low profile
隐瞒买家 kept buyers in the dark
继续要求内地结束一党专政 kept demanding the end of one-party rule on the mainland
继续隐瞒疫情 kept hiding details about the spread of the disease
火水 kerosene
克里的竞选拍挡爱德华兹 Kerry running mate John Edwards
总统府外的凯达格兰大道 Ketagalan Avenue in front of the Presidential Office
工业贸易署署长何铸明 Kevin Ho, Director-General of Trade and Industry
主要出入口 key access points
主要指针 key indicators
肯尼亚/肯雅(内罗毕/奈罗比) Kenya(Nairobi)
保持低调 kept a low profile/maintained a low profile
隐瞒买家 kept buyers in the dark
继续要求内地结束一党专政 kept demanding the end of one-party rule on the mainland
继续隐瞒疫情 kept hiding details about the spread of the disease
火水 kerosene
克里的竞选拍挡爱德华兹 Kerry running mate John Edwards
总统府外的凯达格兰大道 Ketagalan Avenue in front of the Presidential Office
工业贸易署署长何铸明 Kevin Ho, Director-General of Trade and Industry
主要出入口 key access points
主要指针 key indicators
赤柬领袖乔森潘 Khieu Shamphan
在全国上下展开取缔行动,查封为数估计达十五万间的无牌网吧 kicked off a nationwide crackdown against China‘s estimated 150,000 unlicensed Internet cafes
纪德级驱逐舰 Kidd-class destroyers
肾脏 kidney
香港肾脏基金会 Kidney Foundation Ltd,
肾病病人 kidney patients
杀死两个鸡场内所有鸡只,以防(禽流感蔓延) kill all
杀死所有人质 kill all of the hostages
为报仇而要杀他 kill him in revenge
殉职 killed while on duty/died on duty
造成机上两死二百一十三人受伤 killing two passengers
泡菜 kimchi
金城银行 Kincheng Banking Corporation
幼儿园学费资助计划 Kindergarten Fee Remission Scheme
幼儿园教师 kindergarten teachers
皇帝蟹 King Crab
九龙皇帝曾灶财 King of Kowloon Tsang Tsou-choi
京士柏 King‘s Park
(犯罪集团)主脑 kingpin
人工呼吸 kiss of life; is given the
与男友揽揽锡锡 kissing and hugging her boyfriend
接吻能传染乙型肝炎。 Kissing helps transmit the
北九州 Kitakyushu
橱柜、厨柜 kitchen cabinet/cupboard
桥咀洲 Kiu Tsui Chau/Sharp Island
世卫全球流感计划主管斯托尔 Klaus
荷兰航空公司 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
九巴自一九三三年成立以来,在九龙和新界经营巴士线的垄断局面首次遭打破。 KMB has lost its monopoly over bus routes in Kowloon and the New Territories for the first time since it began operations in 1933.
**大老王作荣 KMT party elder Wang Zuo-rong
望陈水扁。 KMT presidential candidate